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        *Meet the young stars of HBO's new classic 80's remake series!*

        -Hit List's Carrie Sayer and Academy Award Nominee Simon Fox lead the hot new cast of HBO's new documentary series...chronicling the remake of the 80's classic, The Breakfast Club. Sources close to the young actors report that the cast are "really close friends" and when not filming the young hotties can be seen together around tinsel town. Lonely River's Leah Kane will return to her TV roots, cast as the outsider Allison after wrapping Sean Steven's new horror feature Wild Child this past summer. Fresh faces Andrew Wyatt and model Ryan Ash finish up the cast of the highly anticipated HBO series airing this fall.

        Four pictures of the group with captions filled the two-page article.

        Rumored couple, Carrie Sayer and Andrew Wyatt leaving ShabooKaboo after a romantic dinner.

        Friends, Andrew Wyatt, and Ryan Ash finish up a workout at Equinox in Hollywood

        Simon Fox, Leah Kane, and Ryan Ash leaving YumYum Friday night.

        Carrie Sayer and Simon Fox grabbing coffee at Starbucks in Studio City


        The five of us passed around the article in Us Weekly on Monday morning over breakfast at diner Pancake, next to the HBO studio lot.

        "Damn. It's only been one week!" said Leah, taking a bite of my waffle.

        "Are they waiting outside for us now?" Simon asked

        "I think so," Carrie replied.

        "The cast of The Breakfast Club...eating breakfast!" I joked, stealing a bite of Leah's omelet.

        "That is exactly what the caption will read," Andrew said, trying hard not to smile.

        "Andrew your face looks so fresh this morning." I teased.

        "Not as fresh as yours, my friend" Andrew joked back.

        "I've been hearing rumors...." Leah started, looking at Carrie and Andrew.

        "Are you two a couple?" asked Simon, joining in.

        We all laughed.

        "Let's get this over with and go to set." Andrew finally said.

        Throwing cash on the table we left Pancake and walked the block to the studio. Four Paparazzi waited outside the diner and followed us to the studio gate.


        At rehearsals we ran through the film three times, perfecting the blocking, and working around the cameras. Karen forcing me to learn the script backward and forwards helped me beyond the auditions. I did not have to think about the lines and I concentrated on all my marks and the blocking. I tried to think of it like a dance. The last run through of the day felt close to perfect, and the vibe between the five of us made it clear we all felt comfortable and ready.  

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