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        Armani was in a deep sleep when she began to hear the arguing going on through the other side of her room door. Rising up, she rolled her eyes once she realized it was her dad and his girlfriend Shonda arguing as always. She swore, if she hadn't fell in love with the big city she would be calling her mom immediately to take her back to Camden. They fought like cats and dogs, and it reminded her of her own damn relationship as if that wasn't enough.

"Would ya'll shut up!" She yelled, throwing her pillow over her head.

"I will fuck you up in here Muhammad!" Shonda shouted.

Hearing that, Armani immediately arose from her bed because she didn't play that. Not when it came to Muh. As much as Shonda and him argued didn't bother her, as long as she didn't attempt to put her hands on her dad.

"Girl, if you want to make it into work I would calm all that shit down!" She spat, pointing towards Shonda who was taking her hair down from her bonnet. She wore her usual cartoon themed scrubs, as she got ready for her morning shift at the hospital.

"Little girl, don't start with me!" Shonda rolled her eyes.

"I don't start shit, I finish it!" Armani snapped back.

"Armani, watch your mouth" Big Muh said to his daughter as he tried to hold in his laugh.
"You think that shit is cute?" Shonda turned to him, "That your daughter got a smart ass mouth"

"She's sticking up for me, cause your ass is always starting. I gotta get to work to train these kids, Armani baby, go back to bed and stay outta grown folks ...real grown folks business" he said giving her a knowing look.

Armani just rolled her eyes and turned back into her room.
She was getting ready to dive back into bed, when she witnessed her phone light up under her sheets. She smiled, because just like she predicted Sage was FaceTiming her and it wasn't even lunch time yet.
"You better had answered my call" his mouth spread tiredly across his face.
"Boy" Armani started as she fell back onto her bed, "What time are you coming to get me? They already ruined my morning"

"Who, your dad and your step mom?" He asked.

"That bitch is not my step mom, he ain't even married" Armani corrected him, "But yeah, her"
"It's cool, I'll be there in a little. Get dressed"


Sage didn't have to tell her twice, as she hopped up from her queen sized bed and began to dive in her closet. She wasn't sure what the weather would be like as the season was rolling into fall, and Philly was in its rainy stages. She opted for a velvet sweatsuit, and laid it out on her bed. Grabbing her towel, she headed to the bathroom for a quick shower.

"Excuse me, do you think I could use the bathroom please?" Armani stood in the doorway as Shonda did the finishing touches on her makeup.

Shonda looked over Armani, and it took everything in her to not lay into the younger girl. While she believed she was still young and hot, Armani was the bigger flame as her exotic beauty and sassy attitude had men falling at her feet. Sure, not many got close due to all the men in her life being professional boxers, however Shonda was definitely jealous of the 20 year old firecracker.

"I'm doing my have to wait"

Armani tilted her head, "I don't have to do anything because oh wait, you don't even live here. You got your own crib, but your ass is so far up Muh's ass you can smell his farts"

Shonda snickered and shook her head as if she was fed up, next dropping her mascara in her makeup bag. She sized up Armani, bringing herself so close that they now stood face to face.
"One day, somebody is going to whip your lil ass"

"Is it going to be you?" Armani smirked, "If not, move around"

She slid past Shonda, locking the door behind her once she was finally out. She turned on the shower, hopping in afterwards and beginning to wash the night away. She was glad to be getting out of the house, because she currently didn't have a job nor was she still enrolled in school. Just the year prior she had tried to go to Lasalle, but after her brother Nico and his girlfriend Azure graduated, she suddenly didn't even want to be on campus anymore. She told herself that was a stupid reason, but she honestly didn't believe school was for her either. Letting the water fall over her, she began to think about what she needed to do, because currently ... she was just coasting.

It didn't take long to get ready and by the time she was putting on her shoes, Sage was calling to let her know he was outside. Armani grabbed her bag, and flew out of the door.

"Good morning baby" Sage smiled, leaning over to give Armani a kiss.
"Ehh" She put up her hand to halt him, "did you kiss her?"
Sage sucked his teeth, "You know you the only one I let kiss me" he followed up with a smirk.
Armani slit her eyes however she allowed Sage to lay one on her, and she couldn't front like she wasn't feigning for his lips after their week and half apart. After doing so, he leaned back in his seat and drove off.

"Are you taking me to breakfast?" She inquired, hoping his first move of making up would be spending money on her.
"Naw lil momma I got some work to get together for the day, you can chill with me while I do that"

Armani rolled her eyes.

While she loved a hood nigga, she didn't like hood activities - like watching a nigga bag work. However that's all Sage did, if it wasn't standing on the corner or in front of a papi store, or just partying from Thursday to Sunday. He was a true trapper, because that's all he lived and breathed. The oldest of nine siblings and a chaotic house, he had to be the one to put the bread on the table and he didn't take the responsibility lightly. While Armani loved her man, she couldn't lie and say his life was the most conventional.
Her lip turned up the moment they pulled up to the project house that was swarmed by kids. While she grew to love his brothers and sisters they were definitely annoying and overwhelming.
"Mani! Can you do my hair for me?" One of the little girls ran up to her once she was out of the car.
"Later, Casey" She half-promised the eight year old.
The rest of the kids continued to spread around as they begged their big brother for cash, and as always he pulled out a few bills and passed them around.
"It's like the damn paparazzi out there" she said once they finally made it to his room.
"Get used to it" he laughed, "You know I want my lucky seven"
Armani looked at him like he was crazy.
"Boy, bye. Nothing is being pushed out of this" she told him.
"We'll see"
He gave her a sexual glare, next pulling her onto the bed with him. The two began to kiss passionately, and he didn't hesitate to remove her jacket and T-shirt underneath. Armani pulled his pants down, only for the door to swing open minutes later.
"Sage can I have a dollar too?" Mirah busted through the doors, "oh my god, ewww" she screamed.
Sage quickly pulled his pants up and slammed his door shut.
Armani just rolled her eyes and fell back onto the bed, as this happened on the regular. She began to wonder if this was truly what she wanted.

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