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         Two weeks passed, and things hadn't changed for Armani and K-Dot. The left side of the office was just a memory of her, her daisy's still on the corner of her desk in the turquoise vase, her name plate taunting him along with her scent that was stuck to the walls. He hadn't moved any of her belongings in hope that she'd come back, however she never did. He sat in his office, his playlist emerging from his speaker as he did payroll. He couldn't stop himself from glancing across the room, and in pure desperation he pulled out his phone. He searched for Armani's contact name, which he deliberately never changed.

Baby Girl 💍

I miss you, love.
Watching AHS just isnt the same lol ......

He stared at the message, next deleting it and trying again.

Baby Girl 💍

I fucked up, but you really killing a nigga.

"Nah" he said out loud.

He shook his head frustrated, and began to try one more time. Before he could finish, her name popped up showing that she was calling. He scrunched his brows, but didn't hesitate to answer.


"Hey, its Mani" her voice sounded sexy as always, and he could hear the smile on her face. He hoped it was because of him.

"I know, Wassup?"

"I'm outside of the job, but the door is locked. I came to get my stuff"

"I'll be out in a second" he responded anxiously.

The two disconnected the call, and he nervously strolled to the door. He couldn't lie, his stomach felt queasy as hell, as he had been waiting for this moment for a short while. He didn't know what he was going to say to her, but he hoped they could squash the beef and move on.

"Hey" Armani waved, her demeanor sweet as always as she walked pass him and into the shop.

"Hey" he said back awkwardly.

She raised her brows, and began to saunter towards the office. The shop was quiet as it hadn't opened yet, it was Sunday, so it opened late and closed early. He followed behind her into the office, next closing the door behind them. Armani immediately started to gather her things in the box she brought with her, and K-Dot couldn't help but stare at her.

"K-Dot...the staring. Please" Armani laughed, trying her best to avoid eye contact. However K-Dot was looking good as hell in his navy blue dickies suit, the white thermal underneath the short sleeves, and his hat to the back in a boyish style. His slim gold link chain was peeking on his neckline from under his shirt, and he wore fresh buttas on his feet. Damn, why did she have to love a nigga in buttas. The sexual glare he had wasn't helping either as he played with the tooth pick in his mouth.

"Sorry, I just miss you" he said honestly, and she could hear the sincerity.

She looked over to him, and while she wanted to say it back she couldn't.

" are you doing with the computers? I know you're an old man when it come to technology" she said putting her head back down.

"It's going good, I even managed to put up an ad for a job. I need another receptionist, unless you know, you needed a job" he shrugged, fishing.

"I have one" she said excitedly, "At a hair salon, as a shampoo girl. Ley got me in"

"Oh that's wassup" K-Dot smiled, "I'm happy for you"

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