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"This jawn too clean" Ron cooed, admiring his all black designer suit in the tall body mirror.

K-Dot agreed, and and couldn't wait to throw on his suit for the party as well.

"Ya'll really think Muh don't know about this party?" K-Dot asked scratching his chin, "I seen the shit on instagram, that ain't too conspicuous"

"That nigga better not know, after how much money I put out" Ron responded still checking himself out.

"We put out" Nico corrected him, "And whether he know or not, his old ass better enjoy it"

"He gonna enjoy it alright, especially since Jocelyn is coming" Ron smirked knowingly.

K-Dot titled his head, but didn't say anything as he didnt want to incriminate Muh.

"Man will you let that shit go" Nico laughed, "Her and dad are not messin' around. He's in love with Shonda"

K-Dot and Ron gave each other a knowing look and shared a laugh.

"Bro, I don't know whose house you be at. Muh and Shonda are always arguing. Lately, she's been staying at her house because he made up some dumb ass excuse, coincidentally while Jocelyn is in town for her shop. I peep game" Ron said breaking down his theory.

K-Dot was impressed, but still kept his lips zipped.

"Yo ass just don't have anything better to do" Nico chuckled, "Broke up with Marley now you losing your mind"

"I'm chillin" Ron lied, "Haven't been better"

"So you telling me if she knock on that door right now ~"

Two knocks emerged from the front door before K-Dot could finish his sentence, and the three men looked around at each other suspiciously. Ron squinted his eyes towards the door and then back to K-Dot.

"Wasn't me" he shook his head.

Ron clinched his jaw, and reluctantly walked over to answer his front door. Sure enough, there stood Marley, her pretty face buried in her hood as she stared up at him, not sure of what to say. Ron looked down on her, and as bad as he wanted to hate her he didn't, and that irritated him even more. Even now, as he stared in her face as silence loomed over them, neither knowing how to be the first one to start the mending.

"Can I come in?" Marley asked in a small voice.
Ron moved to the side and let her enter, still not sure as to why he wasn't turning her away. She slowly entered, and waved to K-Dot and Nico who gave her a nod back. They knew what time it was then, and stood up to prepare to leave.

"Alright man, we'll see you tomorrow" Nico said giving his brother some dap.

Ron accepted it, and did the same to K-Dot. The three were going over the last minute details for the party, and had a lot to do the following day in order to prepare. Ron told them he would see them then, although in his head he wanted them to stay. It wasn't that he wasn't happy to see Marley, he honestly just didn't know what to expect from their conversation. After a week of moping he had finally been a little happy in anticipation for Muh's party, and he wasn't in the mood for that to be ruined.

"So, what's up?" Ron asked, taking a seat in his recliner.

His long legs stretched out, and Marley couldn't help but run her eyes over him. She noted how good he looked in the suit, as it fit just right and was making him look like a sexy CEO, and for a moment that was all she could focus on.

"Marley" he said, breaking her out of her trance.

"Sorry, I uh, I wanted to talk to you" she stammered, taking a seat on the couch.

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