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Armani pulled the dining room chair from the large glass table, next pushing it into the living room and gesturing for Casey to take a seat.
"So, tell me how you want it lil mama" she said, beginning to take out the raggedy ponytail in the little girl's hair.

" yours" Casey giggled.

"Like mine?" Armani laughed, "You're too young for weave about some lemonade braids"

  "Oh yes! That!"

Armani nodded, next grabbing her hair supplies from her purse and laying them out on the side table. She began to brush out the young girls fro, her wild hair long and thick, but badly managed. She parted it to her liking and then began to grease her scalp. Since Sage was out in the streets handling business, Armani decided to deliver her promise to Casey. It was no telling when Sage would come strolling through the doors, so she decided to occupy her time.
"So, hows school?" She asked.
Casey shrugged, "I don't really like it. Ms. Marwood always yells and I got detention last week"
"Detention?" Armani repeated, in a disappointed tone, "Casey I thought you were a good girl"

"I am...sometimes" the little girl said honestly.

"What did you get detention for?"

"Sage said to not let anyone bully me, so I didn't. And Marley said the next time someone hits me, hit them back"

Armani halted in the middle of parting, "Who's Marley, Casey? Is she a friend at school?"

Casey giggled and then shook her head no.
"She's Sage's friend. We have sleepovers sometimes"
Armani threw her neck back, totally taken back by Casey's revelation. It was safe to say she didn't expect that.

"Oh really? That sounds fun" Armani said as she began her first braid, "And what days do you guys have these sleepovers?"
"Ummm...only sometimes. Like last week when you didn't come over, I asked Sage about you but he said you were away. But I like Marley too, not as much as you though"
"That's good to hear" Armani smirked, although she was steaming inside. It was one thing to entertain a few bitches during their 'breaks' but to bring a woman around so much that his little sister knew her name was another. Armani was confident, maybe too confident; And that's what made her think Sage would always be around. The two did their dirt here and there, but ultimately always wound up back together after a few arguments and makeup sex. As far as she knew, she was the only woman to ever be a regular at his home, down to the point that all his siblings knew her and a few neighbors too. So hearing of this 'Marley' definitely made her turn her lip up. However as always she stayed calm, cool, and collected. She continued to braid Casey's hair in the style that she requested, styling it to perfection as she laid down her baby hairs and completely transformed the young girl's head.
"There you go, my baby" Armani smiled, looking over Casey, "Go, run to the mirror and tell me how you like it"
Casey jumped up, doing as she was told and running towards the dining room to look in the mirror of the China cabinet.
"Oh em gee, thank you Mani, I love it!" She gushed, running back over to hug her, "I definitely like you more than Marley" she said rubbing it in even more.
Armani grimaced, next sending her on her way. If she knew Sage, he would be home soon to make sure his brothers and sisters were in before the street lights were on. Seeing the time read as six, that wouldn't be long. Instead of blowing him up, she closed herself in his bedroom and waited patiently. After a while she began to get restless, and her mind was running a million miles per minute.

"Fuck this" she murmured to herself, hopping up from his bed and grabbing her purse.

She wasn't the type to make a scene, or at least not anymore. That was the old her, however she was seeing that she may have had to take a step back. Knowing exactly where he would most likely be, she headed down to the neighborhood deli in hopes of him still lingering on the block. Sure enough, she spotted him in a swarm of other men as they crowded the front of the papi store. She never understood how more than one person could sell the same thing on the same block, but hey, she wasn't the hustler.
    Sage immediately caught eye of her strolling towards him, and turned his lip up at her choice of clothes in front of the gang of men. It was the middle of November, so it was no reason for her to be dressed in the tiny shorts that weren't hiding much.
"You trippin right?" He said before she could even utter a word.
"That's funny, I was getting ready to ask you the same thing" she hissed.
Sage rolled his eyes into his head, "You come up with shit in your head don't you..that's why I try to not leave you alone for too long" he snickered. Armani on the other hand didn't crack a smile.

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