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      "Sooo K-Dot, I can call you K-Dot right?" Jocelyn asked from across the table.

K-Dot laughed and nodded his head, "Yeah, that's usually the go to. But Kayan is cool too, I know Armani says you like formal names"

"That I do, but I'll give you the exception. How is Jersey so far?"

As Jocelyn promised, she made it home in time to take Armani and K-Dot out for their first night in Jersey. As always she chose an upscale italian restaurant, giving the couple no choice but to dress semi formal for the night place, however K-Dot didn't mind.

"It's good. We didn't do much today but sleep"
Jocelyn gave her daughter a look, and Armani smirked, "I'm not pregnant mom"

"Oh thank God" she let out a relieved breath, and the couple laughed.

"Well why haven't you shown him around? I thought you would be happy to be home, have you seen any of your friends?" Jocelyn asked, as began to swirl the pasta onto her fork.

"Nope" Armani answered putting a strong emphasis on the p.

"Well you know, Aliah works here. She's a hostess" Jocelyn spilled, "Before we leave, you should ~"

"I'm alright mom, I kind of..outgrew my friends here. Can we talk about something else? How's your shop?" Armani answered, trying to avoid her past once again.

Jocelyn smiled bashfully and then shrugged, "We made a million five in profits this year, so theres that. Definitely looking to expand, was thinking a neighborhood Philly"

Armani's eyes widened, "Real shit..sorry, for real? Can I manage it?"

"Do you have management experience?" Her mom slit her eyes, and then smirked, "Maybe HR, if you continue to do well down there...oh wait let me take this call"

Jocelyn stood from the table and sauntered away quickly, leaving K-Dot and Armani alone.

"What's up with you tryna avoid everybody?" K-Dot asked, catching onto his girlfriend. It was like when anyone brought up her past she wanted to end the conversation swiftly.

"Because babe, I really don't care" Armani let out a deep breath, "I'm here with you, that's all that matters. Ley is my only friend, and her ass ain't been picking up. Ima have to have a talk with her"

"You sound like Ron" K-Dot chuckled putting his drink to his lips.

Just at that moment, a familiar young woman walked pass and Armani's heart sped up. Jocelyn was completely right, Aliah did work there and there she was in the flesh. Still beautiful, her jet black mixed hair swung down her back as she sauntered pass the table, only to stop the second she spotted her old best friend.

"I must be losing my mind, is that Rocky?" She exclaimed, calling Armani by her high school nickname she hadn't heard in years.

"Heyyy girl" Armani replied awkwardly.

"You look so good, let me guess, new boyfriend?" She asked looking to K-Dot who gave her a head nod, "You always did keep some fine arm candy"

K-Dot smirked cockily and Armani had to resist from rolling her eyes.

"Yea. It was good seeing you girl, I think a table over there is waving you over" she said flagging the fake girl away.

Aliah smirked deviously, "Alright now girl"

She also knew that she was just trying to be slick, as she was definitely surprised to see her old best friend back in town. The last time she saw her was at Deek's party, and everyone knew how that ended.

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