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"Girl, you are blowing me. If you don't get up and danceeee, its Christmas" Ley said twirling around to the holiday music, her hands filled with garland and string.

"Bitch Christmas is in three days" Armani rolled her eyes, her body slumped into her dad's couch, "Besides, I don't exactly have anything to celebrate"

"I'm pretty sure you have some really nice presents from your brothers, but don't say I said anything" she winked, "Come on mommas, you know how I feel when you leave me hanging"

"She said she doesn't want to" Sequoia smirked, on the other end of the couch.

Ley rolled her eyes, and Armani gave her friend an annoyed look.

"Bitch, I would watch my mouth. Unless you want a repeat of last time" Ley snarled, deciding to just walk away.

Sequoia quickly shut her lips, just rolling her eyes back and putting her head into her phone.
Armani raised her brow, curious as to when this last time was. It was days before Christmas, and the family invaded Muh's house as they helped him finally decorate his tree. While Nico and Azure worked on the cookies, Ron and Ley decorated the tree and Armani and Sequoia just sat in the living room, not that much in the Christmas mood. Muh and his girlfriend Shonda wrapped gifts at the table for everyone that wasn't currently there, and overall the room was filled with holiday cheer.

"What other time?" Armani asked turning towards Sequoia.

She folded her arms and just shook her head, "Girl, I don't know. I told you that bitch pop xan's"

"Again, how would you know?" Armani questioned.

Deciding Sequoia was just being a hater as always, she rose from her seat and made her way over to her dad.

"What are you up to Muh Muh?" She smirked, trying to make herself feel better.

Muh looked up from the wrapped gift, "It's dad to you" he joked, "And wrapping this gift for K-Dot. You think he'll like it?"

Hearing his name, a bolt ran down her chest and she shrugged, "I wouldn't know"

"I figured you would know, since you're his girlfriend" he said in a low tone.

Armani's eyes widened, and she looked at her dad like he was crazy.

"Yeah baby, I know. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. Even though I don't exactly understand why you two are hiding it"

"Well, I didn't want you to be upset with me. You said I had to be responsible until New Years" she whispered, beginning to help him wrap the gifts. She continued to keep her tone low, as her brothers were only in the next room.

"How is dating K-Dot not being responsible. If anything, he got yo ass on track. I should be thanking him"

Armani threw her neck back offended, "Excuse me, that was all me"

Muh gave her a knowing look, and she chuckled.

"Okay well maybe he did help a little. But dad it
doesn't matter, we broke up and he doesn't want anything to do with me. What do I do?" She pouted her lip.

Muh was great with giving advice, and while she didn't exactly see herself going to him to talk about her secret ex boyfriend she was desperate. After going to his apartment and being surprised by his visitor, she hadn't reached out to him or vice versa. She knew most likely she would see him at the Christmas party and she wasn't ready for that either.

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