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Armani waited in the long breakfast store line, her head deep into her phone as her and Ley texted back and forth. The two were currently talking about the new season of Love and Hip Hop, and Armani had to stop herself from laughing out loud as the two went back and forth ke'keing and making jokes. She was so into her conversation that she didn't see the line move quickly, and that she was now up.

"Can I help you ma'am?" the cashier asked once more to grab her attention.

Armani lifted her head, "Oh yeah..sorry. Can I get a french toast platter, with strawberry jam, cheese eggs and turkey bacon..but extra turkey bacon and make it well done" she ordered very specifically.

While she had already ate, she wanted to surprise K-Dot with breakfast. She had such a nice time at the show she really wanted to show her appreciation, and she even began to consider K-Dot's offer of telling everyone about them dating early. She figured why not? K-Dot was the perfect gentleman, and who else if not someone who had the same morals as her brothers. She had it all planned out, she just had to work up the courage first.

As she waited for her order, she continued to text Ley.

Ley Ley Bby 💕

Today, 9:10am
It's a party this weekend in North,
We have to go!

Say no more!
I could use another night out.

I take it you had a good
time with your boo thing at the

Girl, the best...but how about
my ex bought a bitch a drink
right in front of him.

Oh girl he bold, bold.
I woulda passed the
Fuck out, drink in my
Hand and all!

Bitch I didn't even get to
drink it, my nigga drunk it.

Bitch, I'm on the floor!

Armani laughed out loud, and then covered her mouth as she realized her volume in the small store.

"Your order, ma'am" the cashier said holding up her bag.

Armani grabbed an orange juice from the fridge, paid at the register, and was out of the door soon after. She began her short walk to work from the breakfast restaurant, anticipating to see K-Dot the moment she arrived.


K-Dot sat in his office, music blasting as he browsed on his mac computer. With Christmas around the corner, he figured he'd get his gifts out of the way instead of waiting until last minute like every year. He scrolled through the website, stopping when he spotted the beautiful diamond necklace that was in the shape of an A. He checked the price, and quickly scrunched his eyebrows.

"Damn, three thousand?" He whispered to himself.

He thought about it, and knew he was trippin for tryna spend that much on Armani when the two had only been dating for a month. Still, he was definitely intrigued when it came to the expensive present. Deciding to just throw caution to the wind, he grabbed his card out of his wallet only to be interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Come in" he said, still focused on the necklace on the screen. He figured it was one of his workers, but turned his lip up the moment he saw Tiana walk through the door.

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