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"Hello, thank you for calling David Connor's office this is Marley, please hold" Marley said politely before clicking over the line, "David, it's Meredith on line two. Do you want me to patch her through?"

"" her boss said after a quick pause, "All she wants to do is nag me about Valentine's day plans. I told the woman, it's a week away, relax"

Marley laughed to herself, as her boss always went on and on. He was definitely a character, and there was never a boring day at the office.

"Okay, then. Next call is line one"

"I'll take it" he told her before clicking off.

She sat the phone down, and decided to take a bathroom break while the calls ceased. She didn't know what was going on with her, since she had been going to the bathroom all day and barely had anything to drink. She stood up to make her way to the bathroom only to get a dizzy spell right afterwards.

"What is up with me?" she asked herself before shaking it off.

Marley continued to saunter towards the bathroom, and quickly handled her business before returning back to her desk. She had an hour left on the clock, and was looking forward towards her plans for the Saturday night. Everyone was attending Nico's fight later that evening and after Micah begged to come she was allowing him to go too.
A month had gone by, and Ron and Micah had grown so close you would think the two were father and son. For a man that claimed to not like kids, Ron had totally inserted himself in Micah's life; Anywhere from picking him up from school most days, to even buying anything he needed which allowed Marley to enjoy her checks. Marley was shocked, and while she didn't want Micah to get used to him just in case the two didn't last long, she enjoyed seeing her little brother with a positive role model. Ron had even started to train him at the gym on the weekends, and that was the highlight of Micah's entire week.

After filing a few papers away, Marley began to feel a strong headache coming on. She was feeling too many things at once, and had to take a seat from doing her office work.
She put her head down for a second, but was soon after startled by the ringing of the office phone. She reluctantly answered it, and repeated the professional mantra. She clicked the line over, and immediately put her head down once more.

"Marley, I need you to ~ are you okay?" Mr. Connor asked, catching her with her head on the desk.

She quickly raised it, "Yeah, I just have a headache. It just hit me right at the end of my shift"

"How about you take off early?" He suggested, "I'll just have Lauren finish up"

"You sure?" Marley asked, not wanting to be an inconvenience. She only had forty five minutes left, however her wave of sickness was really kicking her butt just that fast.

"Yeah, today was supposed to be your day off anyway. Save me some on that overtime" he joked.

He appreciated Marley, due to the fact that in only a month had she become one of his most reliable employees. She came in whenever he asked, and was one of his client's favorites. She had the least experience in the office, but was already ahead of the game.

"Okay, thanks a lot" Marley said not hesitating to stand up from her desk.

She grabbed the car keys, next thanking her boss once more before clocking out and leaving. She didn't know why she felt so disoriented, when just a hour ago she was feeling fine. She drove with the windows down as she made her way to Ron's place, trying to get some air to soothe her pounding head. She was relieved to get to her destination in half of the time due to light traffic, and couldn't wait to just lay down.

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