D.va x hurt meka pilot reader

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          lights flashed as i prepared to jump in "(y/n)! don't you dare even THINK of going in there!" Hana demanded angrily. i chuckled a smile on my face "oh cmon Hana, i can do this trust me, i have the situation under control" my mech feet leaped forward as it bit one of the omnics and started its just boosters, i flew towards a few other omics. my mech was getting a bit beat up but nothing too serious. "(y/n) get out of there! You could die!" Hana screamed through the comms. "i got this hana" i replied in a low voice. i flew towards the larger omnic and my mechas giant razor started cutting into it as its other arm shot the omics back with its machine gun, its head continuously bit the omnic as it boosted forwards. 

suddenly, the omnics arm threw me off and into a wall, i shot a spray of bullits into its face until it ripped my mechas arm off. "(y/n) do you have this under control?" i heard D.mons voice ask. "i-i did... i..." i felt afraid, for once in my life i was scared. a tear fell down from my eyes "i will...." i croaked out as i forced my mechs saw to cut at the omnics arm, it didn't do much and i was threw to the ground, the giant omnic started crushing me and my mech with its giant foot, i was about to get my head crushed before the omnic took its foot off. it had been defeated. the back entrance to my mecha fell open as black started to cloud my vision, all i can feel and see is me being pulled out of my mech by doctors and a ambulance.

  "Ugh.. my head.." i groaned as i opened my eyes, i tried sitting up but cringed in pain and fell back down. "(y/n) thank goodness you're awake!" i heard Hana's voice exclaim. "where... am i?...." i asked confused i stared into Hana's eyes as she stood at the side of the bed. "you're in the hospital stupid! you where shot down and lucky you are still alive" Hana hissed "you directly disobeyed me when i said not to go in and almost got yourself killed!" she glared at my weak form for a minute before lightening up and letting a puff of air out." we could of lost you (y/n)... I could of lost you.... you're my best friend... i don't want you to die..." she whimpered as a tear fell from her cheek.

i lifted my hand and wiped her wet face. "Hana... it's okay... i'm okay... just a little bruised alright?" i asked giving her a heartfelt smile. she leaned into my hand. "i was just so scared... when D.mon told me they found you where alive i was so happy... but scared..." she leaned down to hug me lightly and i pat her back. "hana..." i murmured as i pet her hair with my other hand. "shhh... its okay..." i sighed as she lifted herself and leaned forward kissing me softly. my eyes widened but i leaned into it. Hana then pulled away. "(y/n)... promise me you will listen to me next time?..." i sighed a blush on my face and nodded. "for you Hana... i promise..." i smiled letting my hand grip hers.

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