Chell x Reader (Portal 2)

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(so i don't remember much of the story line from in portal so don't judge me but i remember a bit of the gameplay, and i love this game so i thought why not make a Chell x reader since most portal x readers are the cores and stuff. i have a small crush on Chell cuz shes CUTE AS FRIKK but hey! this takes place after the reader and Chell escaped and are living above ground in a city they found after a while of aimlessly wandering, also i am pretty sure chell is supposed to be mute in canon sooo... -correct me if i'm wrong on anything please ;3; -)

I sighed as i set my bag down on the couch to see Chell cleaning her companion cube up again. had to admit i was kind of jealous that thing got more attention then me, she noticed i walked in and turned to me giving me a warm smile. "having fun?" i asked, she nodded and i got behind her leaning against her, she always wore the outfit from before we got to the surface but i made her take it off once in a while to wash it. i nuzzled into Chell's back hugging her from behind, me and Chell are best friends. we met because of wheatley, danged traitor i swear, but he brought me to her so i cant hate him too much, hes gone now anyway. chell relaxed a bit as i hugged her and stopped what she was doing to lean into me.

i let out a breath of air i had been holding and moved my face from her back and pressed instead into her neck. we did this sometimes, just cuddled since we were the only two people we trusted. "chell, how are you always so warm dangit..." i muttered as she started petting my hair. after a few minutes i picked her up and set on the couch, she crossed her legs and sat waiting for me as i walked out and came back with a big fluffy blanket. once i got there her smile grew to an impossible size and i laughed lightly at her as i sat down and wrapped us up. almost instantly she cuddled into me, i hugged her tightly and hummed a bit, it was a song i heard Glados singing lightly before we left, it was pretty catchy can't lie. 

sure it was not the best part of our lives but its what brought us together. i held on to those labs with a special place in my heart, they gave me adventure in this boring world. i was pulled out of my thoughts when Chell started poking my arm, i looked down at her confused only to have her kiss me, lightly but sweet. she pulled away and hugged me closer. 

yeah, those days were not so bad after all.

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