Ela x Reader (r6s)

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(soooo.... still getting used to r6s, if anything seems to be canonically incorrect you know why. i haven't read up on ALL the backstories yet but i will eventually, for the females at least. anywayyyy, to not embarrass myself too much  i'm just going to make it where Ela, Zofia, and the reader share a room i guess? but their rooms are all separated by thin walls. SO YEAH, don't judge me *cough*)

I groaned as I pulled a pillow over my head, Ela and Zofia seemed to be arguing over something stupid for some reason again. "can you shut up?!" I yelled sitting up quickly and throwing my pillow at the wall making a noise as it fell back down. I heard them say their last words in a language I didn't understand before it went quiet. I sighed and plopped back onto my bed looking to the right where my stand was. Taking a piece of paper off of it and holding it between my fingers as I examined it. It was a drawing made by Ela that she had given me as a 'i'm sorry for yelling at you gift' the day she had got mad at me for locking her out of the room on accident, she could be sweet when she tried, and it was quite adorable.

It was a cat drawn out with a green gel pen. I smiled before laying it softly back onto my stand and rustling out of the covers, stretching as I sat on the edge at the bottom of my bed. I got up and rummaged through my closet before deciding on jeans, a Black tank top, an (f/c) jacket, my pink socks, and some (f/c) sneakers. I had been injured in a blast a couple of days ago and so I got a few days off, I felt better already but I won't complain on some free time. I then walked to the open door which led to Ela's room and sighed as I saw the green haired beauty pouting on her bed. Her eyes flicked to me as I knocked on the door and I put my hands up as she glared at me "what do you want (y/n)?" she hissed angrily as I let out a breath of air I held and walked over. "well, I was just popping in to see how you were doing princess" I said as I sat on the edge of her bed "Well? everything alright?" I asked raising an eyebrow. 

She shifted for a minuted and crossed her arms looking away with a sigh, blowing lose strands of hair out of her face. "I'm fine, why do you care anyway asshole...", she could be rude, yes, but I knew she was just mad at the moment. "Well... I was thinking we could play a game to help you feel better..." I murmured smiling at her as I leaned towards her. She looked back quickly and looked me up and down for a minute, she then slowly leaned over a smirk on her face as she locked eyes with me her face slowly softening from its angry expression "Oh? what kind of game...?~" She purred leaning towards me a bit, her hand resting on my thigh. I leaned in slowly watching as her eyes fluttered shut. "Hmmm... a fun game~..." I murmured, our lips barely apart I stopped and smiled widely for a second and quickly leaned towards her cheek licking it before quickly pushing myself off of the bed running out of the room as quickly as possible. "(y/n) you son of a bitch! get back here!" I heard her scream as loud footsteps pounded behind me, I dodged in and out of other operators feeling pain rush through me, but I didn't pay it much mind.

I held my stomach in pain as I ran, I nearly ran into Zofia who had just went for a small walk after her and Ela's argument, but I quickly thrusted my body to the right, forcing myself to fall onto the floor. I hissed in pain as my body hit the cold hard flooring and hugged myself tightly, "oh my god! (y/n) are you alright?!" I heard a worried Ela ask as she finally caught up and knelt next to me. "I-I'm fine... but truth be told i'm not supposed to be running..." I admitted as she helped me up "(y/n) what the fuck is wrong with you! you shouldn't have done that!" She huffed, I wasn't looking at her but I could feel her glare. She sighed and shook her head as she walked me back to our room.

Once we got there she laid me down on... her bed? I looked at her confused only for my eyes to widen as I saw her start taking her clothes off, I quickly looked away blushing as a squeak left my mouth "E-Ela what the hell are you doing?!" I yelled as I covered my face with my hands. I heard her let out of a breath of air and soon felt the bed dip down as she sat on it, shed laid down next to me and wrapped her arms around me, before I could even process what was going on she turned my body over and pulled my hands off of my face. I opened one of my eyes open, upon seeing her face I opened the other to examine her, soon realizing she wasn't in anything but her bra and undies I quickly looked away "E-Ela why the actual fuck are you not, erm... decently clothed??" I whispered in embarrassment. I heard her laugh lightly but pull me closer, her hand gripped my chin and forced me to look at her, I rolled my eyes before looking directly into hers "What? want me to see you like this?" I asked, she nodded smiling and leaned forward pressing her lips to mine, I instantly melted into it and smiled as she pulled away, as I opened my mouth to say something she opened her mouth and dragged her tongue along my lips.

 I yelped and looked away as she laughed "that's for licking my cheek ass hat" she said looking at me sticking her tongue out, I huffed and stuck mine back out at her touching foreheads with her, she gave me a smile and stopped to look at me, I took this chance to bring my hand up and flip her off as I kept the face. She glared at me playfully shaking her head "You are so fucking lucky that your mine now, or I would of chased you again" she said, I stopped and smiled "oh? so i'm yours now?" I asked raising an eyebrow "you were always mine I just didn't tell you till now~" She smiled before kissing my forehead and pulling her blanket over us. "That was cheesy as shit" I chuckled earning a huff from her "yeah, yeah, fuck you too..." She said before turning the lamp off and letting the room go dark. I wrapped my arms around her as she buried her head into my neck for a nap. Honestly? I didn't mind her attitude as much as others did, at least she didn't have the personality of a two year old who likes unicorns and fairies or some shit.


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