K/DA Akali x Reader

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I grunted as i plopped down on the couch, today an old friend of mine was coming back to her old home for the first time in forever, she had been gone and going places for so long. 

she probably doesn't even remember me

i have always had a huge crush on her, not like she would ever notice. she has gone through several lovers so far and never even took a glance at me. she used to be my best friend before she met that 'K/DA' group and got to be a part of it. i took a few papers out of my bag, they were the lyrics to some songs by patd, neffex, and billie eilish. i made covers of songs on my YouTube channel and made my own songs as a job, and Akali was supposed to help me before she left. 

why did i use music for my job when all its ever done is ruin my life?

grabbing my jacket and putting the papers away i got up and got ready to go, Akali's other old friends were making a party for her visit and they wanted me there. i was always tired and sad, it got worse after Akali left since she was the only one that ever payed attention to me. word is she is bringing her new friends with her, i don't care, why should i care? why am i even going?

i'm just someone she used to know now

i sighed as i left my house and got in my car to drive down to the park. once i got there people were almost done setting up and chatting like nothing was wrong, i pulled a small mirror out of my pocket to see how i looked.

i'm just so tired...

there were dark bags under my eyes, i got tired of hiding them around last week, i just gave up on trying. i sat on a park bench and waited, eventually a fancy bright pinkish-purple car rolled up and parked itself and out came Akali and her friends.

she looks so happy without me

i sighed and played games on my phone instead of talking to her, what was the point. she and her friends looked happy together, and from the looks of it the demon was her girlfriend. of course she has another new girlfriend, why wouldn't she? i sighed and closed my eyes turning my games off to listen to some music, i opened up YouTube and started listening to the English version of bad apple, singing to it lightly. 

after the song was finished i felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see the one face i didn't think i would.


she had her mask off and seemed confused, "Hey, you look familiar, what would you're name be?..." she asked giving me an apologetic smile. tears started pricking at my eyes and i felt my heart tighten and ache.

she really did forget me

i gave her a fake smile as a tear streamed down my face, i got up shaking my head and looked at her sadly. "(y/n), (y/n) (l/n). not like you would remember who i am" i laughed lightly my voice cracking as i looked away and started to walk away until i felt her hand around my wrist, i flicked my head to look at her tears streaming down my face. "(y-y/n) i'm sorry- i-i just, you look so different!" she said a worried look on her face. i laughed at her again shaking my head.

"Akali, look at yourself before you say that"

her eyes widened as she swallowed some spit, "l-look i know i may not be the same as before but i-""may not be the same as before? sweetheart you look more different then i do! i have been friends with you since we were kids and all the sudden you forget how i look? you could tell it was me when i was in a wig and makeup looking like a dude the Halloween before you left for FUCK SAKE!" i yelled. a few people snapped they're heads  to see what was going on but didn't say anything. 

"Akali dear is this woman bothering you?" 

i heard a venomous angered voice say from behind me, i snapped my head over to see the demon girl. i looked back to Akali "and you are definitely not the girl i fell in love with" i croaked yanking my arm away as i tried not punch someone. "(y/n) wait please!" i heard Akali's voice plead as her footsteps were heard from behind me and i was grabbed by two hands and turned around quickly. my eyes widened as i felt her lips crash onto mine in a sloppy and rushed kiss.

did she really just kiss me?

she pulled away with tears of her own staining her face "i love you, i'm sorry, i love you" she whimpered pulling my face into her chest hugging me tightly. i started feeling lightheaded.

she just kissed me

and told me she loved me

but she forgot about me

is this a joke?

i felt my eyes grow heavy as i realized i was passing out. i took  in a deep shaky breath before darkness consumed me.

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