Drunk Ashe x reader

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i chuckled at the drunk white haired woman in front of me. she was definitely nicer when she was this drunk. i sighed and took the glass she was holding away from her. i was one of the members that no one payed attention to. so when the boss showed up down here where me and the other random members slept i was pretty surprised. where in actual world did her giant robot butler go while she was chugging this crap? i have no idea. i sighed and put the glass into the sink, "alright boss we need to get you back to you're room before you're closer friends get down here and lecture us..." i murmured wrapping my arm under her shoulder as she leaned on me. "hey now, i'm you're boss sweetheart. don't make me punish yooouuu" she sang laughing. i rolled my eyes as i started walking her down the long hall. "so sugar, whats you're name eh? i don't remember letting such a pretty lady run round here~" she purred giggling. i shook my head, "that's a story for another time boss" she looked up at me annoyed before grunting and looking back down the hall. i always was in the back helping them with small things, iv'e never been assigned to big tasks, but i dint mind as long as i helped out.  as we walked she started ranting about that Jesse guy that ran off. didn't they used to date or somethin? eh whatever.

we finally got to the end of the hall where the giant door to the main part of the building. i opened it and helped boss get through before i started walking her up the stairs. we got to her door but she was still too lost in her own world, she put her free hand into a finger gun and smiled happily, "pew, pew!" she laughed shaking her head. i knocked on her bedroom door and her giant omnic butler opened it. i lifted boss into his arm and he lifted her onto his shoulder. a few of her normal members she took with her stared at me confused for a minute before i took my leave. once i made it back to what me and some others who sleep in this part of the building like to call "the outcast gangs part of the house". once i got back to the kitchen a few others asked about what happened and i explained it to them. they were just as surprised as i was when i said boss came down into our side.

-timeskip to 2 or 3 days later cuz im lazy-

it's been a while since boss was found down here and we all have kind of calmed down from the little surprise. i heard a knock on the door and sighed as i got up and opened it to see one of the boss's main grunts standing there, the omnic one with the sniper, whatever his name was. he nodded my way and gave me a slip of paper before walking away. i closed the door and got into my room, i gave the slip of paper a good look. apparently the boss wanted to see me in her office. my heart nearly dropped, if the boss wanted me in her office i either did something wrong, or did something really wrong. i gulped as i set the paper on the table and got into my normal uniform. after i got dressed i saw a few friends in the hallway asking me what i was doing, once i explained they all looked at me sadly and wished me luck.

once i got there i knocked the door to her office with my hand shaking. "come in" i heard her voice call from inside. i opened the door slightly before walking in slowly and quietly, i shut the door behind me and turned to her standing up straight in respect. she looked at me from head to toe before closing her eyes. "take a seat..." she said sternly. i did as i was told, i didn't want to get my head popped after all. "do you know why i called you here?" she asked opening her eyes and staring into my eyes. i shook my head "no ma'am, i do not" i admitted. she sighed and sat up straight before giving me a smile. "well, i wanted to thank you for getting me back here safely" she chuckled and got up moving behind me she rubbed my shoulders massaging them. "it was really kind of you... but..." i shivered in fear. she stayed silent for a moment. "you never answered my question..." she chuckled.

"how did i never notice such a pretty lady walking around?~"

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