Yandere K/DA Akali x reader

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i sighed as i put my (F/c) jacket up, i had been helping the girls with getting their hair and outfits done for their performance today. Akali kept me longer then usual today, apparently she was having 'bra issues' and i had to help her out. it was extremely embarrassing but i signed up for this when i got this job soooo... i felt a tap on my shoulder and came face to face with Evelynn. "oh, hey Eve!" i said giving her a smile. she seemed disturbed about something. "hello darling... look, we need to talk... its about Akali..." she murmured. i raised a brow and leaned against the wall, if something was wrong i needed to know. "what about her? is she sick or something? we can call in a actor if nee-" "no its not that darling..." she cut me off rubbing her arm "shes been seeming a bit... violent lately... we have the guards on standby just in case but she seems calmer around you, so we were wondering if maybe you could stay near her until she gets on stage for the performance?..." Eve asked, she sounded genuinely concerned.

i nodded and adjusted my K/DA staff hat. "of course! Akalis always fun to be around anyway, i don't mind" i said giving her a smile before she nodded and walked off. "welp.. guess i'm putting this back on..." i grumbled grabbing my jacket and putting it back on as i made my way back to Akalis dressing room. i knocked lightly "Come in" i heard an annoyed sounding Akali call from the other side of the door. i creaked it open and slipped in shutting it behind me, i turned to her with a smile. "oh, hey (y/n)!" she piped up, the cold and annoyed feeling of the room quickly turned happy as she saw me. "hiya Akali, The girls wanted me to stay near you in case a fan tries anything" i chuckled, it was only a half lie, the girls did want me near her. she gave me a happy smirk. "all day?" she asked happily. "well, until you get on stage of course silly goose!" i laughed as i sat next to her. she wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. she was warm and comfy so i leaned into her. "whatcha wanna do?" i asked. i turned to her as she said something quietly. "what was that?" i asked confused. "Nintendo switch?" she quickly replied.

thirty minutes had passed before Akali was called onto stage. i watched from one of the TV's in the room and the performance went smoothly. i waited for a while until i decided to go out and get something to munch on. as i sat down at a table a young man sat beside me, he looked to be about my age.  "hey there pretty lady" he chuckled before setting his food tray down. we talked for a while, he was really nice to me but also a bit flirty. had to admit though, i wasn't interested, in all honesty i had a crush on Akali, she was always nice, really flirty, but if i wasn't comfortable with something she would always stop and apologize.  i looked around the room for a minute before i saw Akali out of the corner of my eye. she looked mad, really mad, she was glaring at me intensely, if looks could kill, i would be dead. i looked at the man to my right and excused myself. i put my stuff away and in the trash before making my way over to Akali looking at her sympathetically. "are you okay Akali?" i asked. she stayed silent for a minute before roughly grabbing my arm and dragging me back in the direction of her dressing room.

i felt pain in my wrist and whimpered. "A-Akali... can you please loosen you're grip on my arm?... this kind of hurts..." she didn't listen and instead yanked me closer to her as she opened the door to the room and pushed me in. i stumbled before catching myself on a table. "why were you with that man? you shouldn't of left my room" she growled her eyes narrowing down on my small scared form. "I-I'm sorry, i didn't know you wanted me to stay in here..." i murmured hugging myself. she was quick to grab me by the shirt and push me against the wall. "listen to me and listen to me close..." she hissed leaning into my ear "you are to stay near me and only me, you will ask me if you are allowed to leave or not and if i leave a room you stay here until I come back, I am the only one allowed to flirt with, touch, or kiss you.... do i make myself clear?..." she growled before laying rough kisses onto my neck. i gulped and nodded a large blush on my face before she pushed herself off me and headed to the door. "stay here..." she ordered leaving me alone. 

a few minutes later she came back dripping red with blood, she was completely dark with neon colors and her mask, just like in the music vid we shot a while back. my eyes widened and flicked to her hand where she held the dripping head of the guy i was talking to a while ago. a terrifying grin was on her mask and a crazed look in her eyes as she stared at me and gave a dark chuckle. the head dropped as she walked over to me and knelt down in front of me. i shook wildly as she cupped my cheek. she pulled her mask down and her face got close to mine, "oh sweetheart" she laughed lightly before closing the gap between us. she bit my bottom lip causing me to squeak allowing her tongue to slip in. she explored my mouth for a minute before she pulled away looking at me like an insane person.

"no one is ever taking you away from me"

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