akali x enemy reader

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(i seem to love making akali x readers a lot but soon i will also be doing stuff for some other games probably, like that one game spacelords, paladins, maybe slime rancher? etc. im gonna do not so popular games and maybe some World of Warcraft x reader oneshots? like druid night elf x reader? idk lols)

i was just going to scout the area a bit, that was it. see what was in this stupid forest and make sure it was safe for the others to cross into. but nope, now i'm being chased by a ninja woman with a giant stabby weapon, fun. i could hear my heart pounding in my ears as my feet slammed against the forests floor. i hissed in pain grabbing my arm as another sharp knife whizzed by slicing through my arm. i was fast but i was not able to run for long, and this woman was gaining on me fast. she must of known i'm not supposed to be here due to my uniform, i worked for a group working inside of Ionia in order to capture people and use them for work. why? they were keeping my parents hostage, i'm keeping them alive by working with these monsters. they trained me to be quick and silent, too bad my suit is so bulky and clanky i make noise simply twitching my nose.

i gasped lightly as i felt something hit my foot causing me to fall. she had me on my stomach and was now sitting on my back keeping me down. i felt something sharp against the back of my neck as her other hand held my head down. i cursed under my breath hearing the woman's  heavy breathing, "you're quite the runner huh? too bad i'm better" she hissed pressing the sharp thing closer "now, i would have you dead by now, but yknow, i find you kind of cute, so i'm not going to kill you, i'm going to keep you" she chuckled. my eyes widened as i tried squirming only to have something hit the back of my head knocking me out cold.

===time skip===

i groaned in pain as i tried opening my eyes squinting at the pain in the back of my head. i felt soft fingertips grab my chin and force me to look up, giving me a decent look at my captor. her fingers brushed some hair out of my face before letting go, i got a good look at myself, i wasn't in my armor anymore, only my black tights and tight black long sleeved shirt. "you were out for a long time, i'm surprised you actually survived" she chuckled as i looked up at her. "i hate you" i hissed glaring at her. she rolled her eyes before kneeling down to look me directly in the eyes "you have such a pretty face too" she said before leaning forward kissing my lips lightly. i moved in protest only to be held in place. she pulled away, "now... if you don't tell me where you're base is hiding, i'm going to kill everyone you love when i find them, understood?" she growled.

 my eyes widened for a minute and i looked down in thought before closing them lightly. "they..." i paused for a minute before taking a shaky breath "you know that dark forest with the mountain near that one river with the village? they are hiding there, a lot of them, its one of our main bases stationed in Ionia... just... please... don't hurt them, they are being held prisoner and i'm only working for them to keep my family safe... please... don't kill them..." i croaked looking up at her as tears pricked at the corners of my eyes. i knew she would find the place eventually, and i knew how skilled the people that lived here were, i wouldn't take a risk on my families life. she planted light kissed along my neck rubbing my arm reassuringly, "good girl, now, what are their names?" she asked softly.

i cant explain it but for some reason i feel like i wont mind being caught by her. 

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