Yandere Wattson x Reader Headcanons

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- you were hers before you even knew her, she knows this, you however? didn't know this until you woke up tucked neatly into a bed.

- you were confused for a moment, seeing as this wasn't your bedroom, and went to open the door, it opened alright- it opened to reveal a fence made of electricity.

- you were confused, scared even, where were you? you didn't know what was going on, but after checking all the other exit points, you found them all to be blocked off with those same fences.

- and so you waited, you plopped yourself right onto the large bed in the middle of the room, and relaxed right into the excessively poofy and fluffy blankets and pillows.

- "Ah- you are awake!"

- that was were it started, that's how you met your electric lover.

-she had introduced herself to you as your wife, you soulmate, and even your owner.

- at first, life with her was confusing and terrifying, you objected to much of the affection and love she tried to give you, being oblivious in hopes she would get annoyed and set you free.

- unfortunately for you, she was one of the most patient people you've ever met, she didn't attempt to force you into anything, she was gentle and tried so coax you into accepting what she had to give.

- eventually you started to accept your fate.

- Stockholm syndrome kicked in hard, eventually you caught feelings for the sweet woman.

- Natalie would hold your hands and cuddle you, she was kinder to you then anyone ever had been. 

- if you ever did something wrong she wouldn't punish you, but rather tell you and urge you to change what you needed to.

- broke a plate? she would grab your hands and check for any injuries before simply telling you to be careful, she doesn't want her precious little lamb getting hurt after all.

- lots of soft kisses, hugs, and a never ending stream of compliments. 

- you are allowed outside as long as she is with you and around you, she knows you wouldn't run from her, but shes more afraid of you getting taken from her.

- if someone insults you, then she will likely have you stand aside for a moment to have a nice "chat" with them- they will be announced dead or missing days later.

- overall she loves you, and takes "i would die for you" VERY seriously.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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