Akali x Tired reader

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I yawned stretching out my arms above my head, allowing myself to lean against a nearby tree lazily as i rested them back at my sides. "Akali, i'm tired..." I whined giving her puppy dog eye's. "how is this any of my problem?" she asked raising a eyebrow at me as she leaned against her kama. I pouted and slid down the tree sitting at its base. I heard Akali sigh and looked up at her with a lazy look. "can we rest here for a few?? please??" i pleaded sadly.

she stared at me for a minute examining my tired form and sighed. "fine, only for a while though, we need to keep moving..." she huffed before looking away and getting off from her kama. "i'm gonna go scout the area, you stay here and rest or whatever" She grunted before slinging her kama over her shoulder and walking away. i sighed and grabbed a soft light blanket out of my bag and wrapped up in  it using my bag as a pillow. "finally some sleep" i grumbled laying down.

After a  few quick naps I heard footsteps beside me and turned to see Akali, her hair seemed wet and wasn't tied up as usual. "did you fall in a lake or something?..." I asked tilting my head. "no, for you're information, I decided to wash up a bit" She grumbled rolling her eyes before taking a seat next to me and putting her hair back in its normal style. I sighed and pressed my head against the tree looking at her. "awww, I would of loved to be there~" I teased giving her a smile. she simply glared at me and rolled her eyes. "scoot over..." she murmured.

I shrugged and scooted a bit to the left as she moved closer to the tree and near me. I felt her arm rap around my waist as her other arm grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around the both of us. my eyes widened as she cuddled into my chest and let out a content sigh. "you know (y/n)... you're warm..." she murmured into my chest before looking up and placing a soft and sweet kiss onto my lips. after a few moments she pulled away and I stared in shock but happiness at the women who was know cuddling back into my chest. "goodnight (y/n)... I love you..." I heard her whisper sweetly before she fell asleep. I pet her hair lightly a dark blush on my face as I leaned down and kissed her head before resting my chin on it. "I love you too... goodnight sweetheart..." I murmured before falling asleep myself.

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