Chapter One

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I was in Hawaii for the weekend with my best friend Rocky and she asked me if I wanted to go to her old friends lake party, I said sure so that's what I'm planning for just now, the lake party. I obviously need to wear a swim suit so I then was looking for an outfit to wear over top, I think I might've found it...

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I smiled at my choice and I got changed

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I smiled at my choice and I got changed. I looked in my mirror and curled my hair at the bottom and put on some light makeup. I smiled and slipped on my vans, grabbing my bag and stuffing some things in there and then walking out. I saw Rocky waiting, she was wearing a black one piece with jean shorts.

E- Damn, girl you lookin good!

R- *giggles* Thanks Rik, you look real hot

We laughed and left our hotel, hopped in our uber and went to the party. When we arrived, we thanked the driver and got out, then making our way over to our boat house. Only specific people got one, and because Rock was friends with the host, we got one. We put our things away and took over our cover-ups, leaving us in our bathing suits. I looked around and saw a reeeeaaallllyyy hot guy coming over.

?- Rock!

R- Jake!

They hugged and when they pulled back, Jake smiled at me.

R- Jake, this is Erika, Erika this is Jake

E- Hi Jake

J- Hey

We hugged and his abs were against my stomach, holy fuck, the were rock hard! When we pulled back, we all went over to the lake and I saw a girl run up to Jake, wrapping her legs around his waist, I understand, he's too hot to be single.. ugh.

J- Chlo! Omg!

C- I missed you so much!

J- I missed you too!

Jake put her down and they hugged tight. I then saw another guy come up, kinda looked like Jake but taller and older..

?- Come on baby

C- Oh, coming

Chlo? ruffled Jakes hair and ran up to the other guy and they began making out, so that's not Jakes girlfriend? I'm confused..

J- Sorry about her *chuckles* brothers girl

R- Ohhhhh, *giggles* is Anthony here?

J- He is actually

R- Where!?

J- Over by the dock

Rocky ran over and I saw her jump on a random guys back, then they hugged and talked. I turned back around to see Jake staring at me.

E- What? *smiles*

J- Huh? Oh, uh- nothing *awkwardly smiles*

E- *giggles* Ok Jake

Me and Jake went over to the drinks and he poured us some shots. We continued drinking for a few hours and it had become dark. Rocky was making out with the guy from earlier and they left so me and Jake went into the boat house me and Rock were given. I plopped down on the bed and Jake climbed above me, hovering his body above mine. I smirked and so did Jake. Our lips smashed together and I wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands slithered under me and to my ass. He squeezed and I moaned, turning us on, I was getting wet and I could feel Jakes boner right on my vagina...

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