Chapter Six

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I woke up cuddled up close into Jakes chest and I smiled. I then got up as quick as I could and I ran into the bathroom. I threw up a little and I then felt my hair being pulled back and out of my face. I had tears coming down my face and I looked up at Jake, he pulled me into a hug and I cried onto his shoulder. He was kissing my forehead and I felt better so we pulled back and I brushed my teeth and Jake gave me a shirt to wear. I put that on and we got back into bed and Jake lay down, but I stayed sitting up. He just looked at me confused.

J- Is everything ok?

E- Um, yeah, I just have something to tell you.. *tears up*

J- Whats going on?

He sat up and pulled me onto his lap and hugged me tight. I cried onto his shoulder and the we pulled back, he wiped my tears..

E- Im scared you'll tell me to leave or-

J- Erika, don't worry, I won't make you leave or anything, ok?

I just nodded and he wiped away one of my tears that fell..

J- So?

E- Um... Im pregnant..

Jake froze and I saw tears build up in his eyes..

J- Um, congrats..

He looked hurt, why?

E- Are you ok? You look hurt

J- No, its just- nothing, I just hope you and the father are happy..

A tear fell from his eye and I hugged him tight..

E- I am, I hope you are

J- I am, for you..

E- Why? You should be happy that your having a kid..

Jakes expression changed completely, he slightly smiled.

J- Wait, its mine?

E- Yeah

Jake kissed me and I could feel him smile throughout it, so I did too. When we pulled back, Jake hugged me again..

E- Did you not think it was yours?

J- No.. but Im happy it is *smiles*

E- Good *smiles*

Jake kissed me again and then there was a loud knock at the door, so Jake pulled away.

J- *sighs* Who is it?

?- Its your father, Jake let me in

Me and Jake looked at each other wide eyed. Jake then took a deep breath and pulled the cover over me and I lay on top of him.

J- Come in!

I looked at Jake like he was crazy, then I turned to see an older looking guy..

G- Oh Jake, I didn't know you had company

J- Yeahhhhh

G- So? Are you not going to introduce me?

J- *sighs* Dad, this is Erika, Erika this is my dad

E- Nice to meet you mr Paul

G- You too Erika, and please, call me Greg

E- Oh ok *smiles*

Jake turned to his side so my back was to Greg.

J- K bye

G- *sighs* Bye guys

E- Bye Greg

He smiled at me and walked out Jake pulled me back onto his lap and he continued kissing me.

E- Jake?

He pulled back and looked at me confused.

J- Yeah?

E- Now that you know Im pregnant, and all that, what are we?

Jake cupped my face and rested his head on mine.

J- Do you want to be my girlfriend?

E- I would be honoured *smiles*

J- *chuckles*

Jake kissed me again and we cuddled up and put on Netflix. We ordered post mates and as we were eating, watching a movie, I got a text from Rocky.


Rik🤪❤️- Yes, Im fine

Rock☺️💓- Where are you!?

Rik🤪❤️- Its fine, gtg, ily

Rock☺️💓- Ugh, ily2

I put my phone down and sighed. Jake rubbed my belly, even though I don't have a bump yet. I smiled and continued eating, both of us eventually falling asleep to the movie. I woke up to an alarm blasting in my ear. I got up and ran to the toilet. As I was throwing up, I felt my hair being pulled back and I looked up and saw Jake. I finished and brushed my teeth, then I walked back into Jakes room.

J- Good morning beautiful

E- Morning bubba

We pecked lips and we walked into his bathroom again with our clothes and we showered together. When we got out, we got changed, trying our best to even slightly match..

 When we got out, we got changed, trying our best to even slightly match

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Jake said I looked gorgeous and he left early because he's the teacher obviously

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Jake said I looked gorgeous and he left early because he's the teacher obviously. I got in my car 5 minutes after he left and I drove to Starbucks. I ordered an iced caramel frappe, a donut and a cupcake. I ate the food on the way to school and I got out, drinking my coffee on my way to my locker. I put away some stuff and I took out somethings, then the bell rang. I was about to walk away when Alissa, the popular mean girl came up to me, along with her minion, Sommer.

Al- Your such a pig! You had a donut and a cupcake from Starbucks! Your disgusting!

S- Yeah!

They walked away, leaving me in tears. Because of pregnancy symptoms, I walked over to the janitors closet and walked in there, sliding down the wall. I pulled my knees close to my chest and let it all out.. then I heard the door open and another voice..

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