Chapter Three

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I just got back home and I ran in to see my family spread across the sofa.

E- Hi

They all turned around and ran up to me. Dani jumped up and I held her in a hug and then let her down. I went upstairs and put my stuff away, then running back down and jumping on the sofa. FUCK. Me and Jake didnt give each other our numbers.. ugh. I checked the date, Sunday the 11th of August, back to school tomorrow. Great. When the movie finished, I said goodnight to everyone and I went upstairs and put on some booty shorts and left on my bralette. I got into bed, closing my eyes and eventually falling asleep.

I woke up to my alarm blasting in my ear. I groaned and hit my hand on it, thankfully turning it off. I checked the time, I only had an hour! Fuck! I got up and ran into my bathroom. I hopped in the shower, washing my hair, shaving my legs and washing my face. When I got out, I dried off and went into my closet and picking out a quick simple outfit.

 When I got out, I dried off and went into my closet and picking out a quick simple outfit

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I slipped on my white vans and threw my bag over my shoulder. I ran downstairs and grabbed my keys from the bowl and I ran out the door, jumping in my car and speeding to school. When I got there, I jumped out and ran in towards my locker. I put my stuff away and took out the stuff that I needed, then I ran to class and everyone was just heading in. When people had moved out the way, I noticed that we had a new teacher. The guy turned around slightly, omfg. Jake. I covered my face with my cardigan and went and took my seat next to one of my friends Sunny.

S- Hey E

E- Hey sunshine

S- What are you doing? *giggles*

E- Oh nothing

I looked down the whole time and I heard the popular girls, Alissa and Sommer, behind me talking about Jake.

Al- He's so fucking hot

S- Like imagine kissing him..

Al+S- Ugh

I rolled my eyes and ignored them.

J- Good morning students

All- Morning

J- I'm Mr Paul and I'll be your teacher this year

This YEAR!? THE WHOLE FUCKING YEAR!? Ugh, whyyyy???

J- Ok, Alissa?

Al- Here *bites lip*

J- Sommer?

S- Hey

I saw Jake roll his eyes and I tried to hold in a laugh, a few people looked over, including Jake, but I quickly covered my face before he could see me.

J- Sunny?

S- Here

J- *freezes*


J- Erika?

E- Here...

He looked up at me and then back down at the register. He continued calling out peoples names and then he turned around and started explaining our first task. You could see scratches on his back and faint hickeys and I saw a few boys talking about it.

J- You guys understand?

All- Yeah

Then of course Brandon one of the dickheads of the school just had to ask..

B- What are those scratches from and why do you have hickeys?

Everyone laughed and Jake turned around with a smile on his face, what the fuck?

J- Yeah, so what?

Everyone went silent and Jake put his hands on Brandon's desk.

B- I just think its weird that my teacher has scratches and hickeys because I've never seen it before, ok?

J- Hm, ok, well did I ask for your opinion?

B- No..

J- Exactly, so shut up and get your work done

All- OOOO!

J- Get to work

Everyone started working and Jake sat at his desk. I saw him look up and we made eye conact, we both then immediately looked away.

B- The girl was probably a slut if you ask me

Jake slammed his hand on the desk and everyone looked over.

J- Principals office now!

Brandon quickly got up and walked up. I was the girl though.. I began tearing up so Sunny raised her hand since she noticed.

J- Yes Sunny?

S- Um, can Erika go get some air

E- Sunshine its fine

J- Of course

Sunny nudged me and I sighed and got up, everyone's eyes on me. I ignored everyone and walked out. I took a stroll around the side of the school when I heard my name being called..

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