Chapter Two

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I woke up next to someone, cuddled into their chest..

?- Ah, your awake

I sat up and saw the guy from yesterday, Jake. I put my head in my head in my hands and sighed. I felt my hands be removed from my head and I looked up and saw Jake smiling..

E- What?

J- First off, come here

He opened his eyes, making me smile a little. I playfully rolled my eyes and gave in, laying back down, cuddled into his chest.

J- Also, next time, when you sit up, if you dont want me seeing you naked, cover your coconuts

E- Jake!

I hit his chest and he laughed. He held me tight and I kinda liked it, thats when I realised, Im leaving tomorrow.. fuck. How am I going to tell Jake that!? "Oh hey Jake, I know we just had sex and stuff, but im leaving tomorrow so we'll probobly never see each other again.." I was thinking about it when I felt Jakes chin rest on my chest.

J- Whacha thinking about?

He looked really cute so I smiled and began playing with his hair..

E- Im scared to tell you..

J- Its fine, whatever is it..

Jake was calming me down, its now or never I guess..

E- Um, Im leaving tomorrow

J- What why?

He just seemed sad, not mad or angry, just upset..

E- I dont actually live here, I need to get back to school, I was only here for the weekend

J- Oh.. promise we can still text and stuff?

E- *giggles* Promise

Jake smiled and put his face next to mine, having our noses touch. I smiled at him and he kissed me. I kissed him back and when we pulled away, I hugged him tight, not wanting to leave him. We may have only just met, but I actually really like him and I want to see him again..

Me and Jake hugged for ages and just talked and I really enjoyed it, but sadly I need to leave for stupid school. We got up and Jake put on his swim shorts and I put on my extra clothes which was a bralette and a pair or joggers. I picked up my stuff and turned to Jake and made a sad face.

J- Aww, you big baby, come here *chuckles*

I walked over to him and hugged him tight. I had my head in the crook of his head and he had his chin on my head. My arms were wrapped around his back, holding up at his shoulders and his were rested on my waist. We soon pulled apart and walked out. Jake put his arm around me, holding my waist and a few guys looked over.

?- Ayyy! Ma boy!

I looked at Jake and he rolled his eyes, I giggled and he looked at me and smiled.

J- What are you laughing at?

E- Nothing *holding in a laugh*

I couldn't do it. I burst out in laughter and Jake started tickling me until I was on the floor. He held his hand out for me and I grabbed it, he pulled me up and we continued walking. I saw Rocky walking out of hotel off in the distance.

E- There she is

Me and Jake turned to each other and rested our heads on each others.

J- I'll miss you

E- I'll miss you too

I dropped my stuff and wrapped my arms around his neck, he already had his hands on my waist, so he pulled me into a kiss, it was passionate. When we pulled back, I cupped his cheeks and kissed him again. We then hugged and Rocky came over.

R- Hey Rik, you ready?

E- *sighs* I guess

R- Bye Jake

J- Bye Rock

They hugged and we hugged once more, before saying goodbye forever..

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