Chapter Eleven

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Jake looked over and I saw him tear up, its not my fault, he's the one that cheated, so I broke up with him. I walked over to my seat and I sat down, Jake stood up ad stood in front of the class.

J- Test today..

He looked really depressed. He's always way more energetic. Always a good morning everyday and he would be happy and smile.. but not today. Everyone looked really confused. Jake began giving out the papers and he then gave me mine. I snatched out his hand and put it on my desk. He sighed, his voice was shaky and he began tearing up. I rolled my eyes and began writing..

When I finished, I got up and walked to his desk, sitting the paper down and immediately turning back around. Everyone eventually finished and the bell rang.

J- Class dismissed, Erika, stay behind..

I rolled my eyes and everyone left. Jake got up and locked the door, then sitting back in his seat.

J- What did I do to make you upset? *tears up*

E- Wow, just play dumb then, you know what you did

J- If I knew, I wouldn't be asking you

Jake let a tear fall, causing me to tear up.

J- Where are you staying?

E- Why do you care?

J- Omg, do you even understand? You left my house and disappeared, your 6 months pregnant with twins and I care because I love you! Ok!?

E- If you love me you wouldn't have cheated!

J- What!? I didn't cheat on you!

E- I heard it all Jake! Oh she won't find out! She won't know! Im not fucking stupid Jake!

With that, I got up and left. I went to the cafeteria and I found a table and sat down. I ate my food and I then I heard a lots of shouting. I looked around and everyone was starting to panic. I looked up and saw my ex dragging Jake with a gun to his head and his mouth covered. Everyone started screaming and I was crying my eyes out.


Everyone immediately went quiet.

M- Anyone wanna save their beloved teacher

J- *muffled shouting*

E- Me

Everyone looked over and Jake began screaming and moving around like crazy. Max smirked and he shouted at me to go over to him. I stood up and I had tears running down my eyes.

M- Oh, another person to kill *smirks*

I held my belly and everyone began shouting at me, Jake was screaming and crying but I walked over anyway. Max took the gun away from his head and he pulled me forward and I hugged Jake. We were crying on each others shoulders when Jake was thrown to the side. Max tightened his grip around me, making it harder for me to breathe. I began screaming and Jake stood up and walked away. WHAT THE FUCK!?

M- *evilly laughs*

He was about to pull the trigger when his grip loosened on me. I knew it was Jake. Everyone gasped and I managed to pull his hand away. I closer to everyone else and Rocky and a few other girls came rushing over. I heard shouting and I looked up to see Jake arguing with the cops. They finally understood and they arrested Max. Everyone left early but the teachers because they had to finish their teacher stuff. I didn't leave though. I went to Jakes class and locked the door.

J- Oh.. uh hi

E- Hi..

I sat down in the seat in front of Jakes desk. He just looked at me..

E- What?

A tear fell from his eye.

J- You could've gotten hurt..

E- You could've too..

J- Thats better on letting the love of my life and my unborn kids get hurt

I let a few tears fall and Jake moved his chair around and he hugged me tight. I missed this, even though its only been a day. When we pulled back I kissed him. I couldn't hold back any longer. When we pulled back, our heads rested on each others and Jake wiped my tears.

J- Why did you think I cheated? *voice cracks*

E- Because I heard you talking to someone on the phone saying, "She won't know" "Don't worry" "I love you" *crying*

The last one got me. Jake hugged me tight and when we pulled back he had tears on his face too.

J- Beautiful you don't understand

E- Hm?

J- See how Logan was here for the gender reveal?

E- Yeah?

J- He told his long distance girlfriend Chloe, that he wouldn't be able to be here for another 4 months

E- Uh huh?

J- But he's obviously been here the whole time, but she doesn't know that so he was going to surprise her, thats why I was saying that she won't know and that "I love you" was to Logan because he's my brother *chuckles*

E- Oh *crying*

Jake hugged me tight. I got it all wrong. All completely wrong..

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