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Steven's P.O.V

Ruby just proposed to Sapphire and she, with a blushing blue face, happily accepted. I was so happy, as was Amethyst and Pearl, to see that the two halves of Garnet were getting along together again. Believe me, it's hard work trying to keep them close when problems come up. But, since their as close as family gets nowadays, I do what I can and what I must to hold them together. In fact, speaking of holding them together, I got big plans scheduled for today. I'm currently sitting in the living room with the coffee table stacked with different arts and crafts supplies. It is, but not limited to, some colored construction paper, some glitter, markers, stickers, and a paper folder. The purpose behind these is to make invitation cards for Ruby and Sapphire's wedding. Since I suggested the idea in the first place, the engaged couple felt it right that I should organize and manage their wedding.

I smile and look at all the creative tools laid out in front of me. I have so many ideas. Then a thought comes to my mind. What are Ruby and Sapphire's personal preferences? I mean, it's their wedding and their cards I'm gonna be making, so they should at least have a say in it. I stand up and look around the Temple, looking for the red and blue gems.

"Ruby! Sapphire! I need to talk to you about something" I call out playfully, a grin on my face.

I wait and hear no reply, calling out again before the smile drops from my face. Hmm, maybe they're outside enjoying the Sun together. I push down my worry and bring that smile back, all the while heading to the front door and stepping outside onto the porch. Leaning on the railing, I look out at the beach area surrounding the Temple, but yet still find no temperamental red gem and a calm and collected blue gem. Sighing, I turn around and rest my back against the wooden beam. So much has changed since I was little. I've come so far, as did everyone, and have accomplished so much. From the little kid who could barely summon his shield to a Crystal Gem that fights against Homeworld Gems.

But, there's some part of me deep down that can't help but feel some resentment towards the Gems. I know it may seem heartless and cruel to sound like that, but the truth, facts, and events all overrule it. If you ask me, I think Garnet and Pearl work more to drive this team apart rather than keep it together. The secrets they keep and the lies they spread, it's corrupt and makes them just bad people in general. If Garnet had told me about the Palanquin instead of keeping the information from me, maybe my dad wouldn't have been kidnapped and taken to the Human Zoo. And it's not just that too. Garnet does tell that she loves me and calls me her 'Cutie Pie', but I can't help but feel falseness and emptiness behind those words. It's no better when she's split up either. Even though Pink was my mother and her big secret reveal was truly horrifying to me, Ruby and Sapphire acted like they were the most effected, like betrayed children and if Rose was their mother and not mine. Those two completely ignored my feelings on the matter, only caring about themselves and how it affected their relationship. I did all that I could to bring them back to each other after the truth caused a break up and they just acted like everything was fine and that I wasn't any help at all.

I also feel like Pearl's worse than Garnet. I pleaded with her, begged for her to tell me what my mom was like and all she just kept beating around the bush. It's especially bad that Pearl chose to keep Mom's identity hidden from me because, at the end of the day, I'm her son and I deserve to know more than anyone. The worst part is that time so long ago when she berated me and lectured me that I should be more like Rose. But, after what I've been told about Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond, I told myself that I shouldn't aspire to be like her. It's bad enough that she roped Garnet into that line of pressuring, but when I asked Pearl to train Connie, it all starting going downhill. Ever since her first day of training, my Jam Bud's become more and more like Pearl to the point where she's putting these things in her head that could very well change her for the worse. It also hurts because Pearl doesn't even want to train me as much anymore, leaving that to either Garnet or Amethyst. Luckily, Amethyst comes through for me at the end of the day

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