Rushing Into the Unknown

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Pink Diamond's P.O.V

"So what's so special about this meeting of yours, Pink?" The cute little human asks, looking sideways at me.

I smile at his adorableness.

"It's a call for rebellion, Steven. The gems, like my Pearl here, were all created for one specific purpose in life. Those down below on your planet were created to serve me, but that's not what I want. Each and every one of them is their own person and they should be able to choose their own destiny, not to have it predetermined by me. I must go down to Earth and inspire them to reject their chosen purposes" I explain.

"Hmm. And how do you plan on doing that?" Steven also asks.

"My Diamond is not here to answer all your questions, human" Pearl says flatly.

Steven pouts and I look over to frown at my Pearl. She looks ashamed, as she should after making such a remark, but I turn back to Steven.

"Well, tiny one, my plan is very simple. I have a secondary persona by the name of Rose Quartz, a name known to be a symbol of hope and freedom amongst the Homeworld Gems. With this persona, I will meet with a large collection of these Gems and convince them to be their own people. What I fear about that though is the possibility of Yellow and Blue finding out" I reply, my voice becoming dreadful at the end.

"So.... I take it Yellow and Blue are like your parents?" The human questions.

"Not really, but they are still my family" I sigh, "You see, the difference between me and them, Steven, is that they don't care about the life on their planets. They rule planets much like Earth, but with their whole 'colonization process', any life is completely annihilated. Both have pressured me to do the same with your world, but I've refused thus far. I told them that I didn't want to rule Earth anymore, but Yellow and Blue insisted that I 'finish what I started'. We've argued many times, but I still continue to fight. That is why this movement of creating allies from these Gems is so important. If need be, they'll be helpful if Yellow or Blue decide to send their own armies against the humans".

"That sounds awful. I guess your rebellion is really that important" Steven says.

"Yes, it is very much important, Steven. Not just to me, but to all that live and thrive on Earth" I nod, an idea then coming to mind, "And, you know, you could help with it too".

"How?" Steven wonders, looking at me in confusion.

"Stay by my side. I'll protect you from anything Homeworld throws our way" I promise him, "The worst that can happen is that Blue and Yellow get fed up with my constant refusals and try to take this planet from me. In that case, a probable invasion would occur, but with our own army of Earth-made Gems, we'd stand a fighting chance. I sincerely hope it doesn't have to come to that, but I'm ready to consider it if the three of us here are able to make it happen".

"Hmm....ok" Steven replies, his lips a tight line. "I'll help, but only if you promise me something".

Pearl glares at him, but I hold up a hand to silence her.

"And what would that be?" I ask kindly.

"To talk it out with them as much as you can before resorting to violence. I've seen way too much of it already in my lifetime and I don't think you or I want any more of it to begin with" Steven says seriously, making direct eye contact with me.

In his eyes, I find genuine concern for not just me, but his people too. Oh, he's so much like me, it's unbelievable!

"Alright" I say, grinning proudly, "I promise".

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