Unorthodox Methods of Help

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Steven's P.O.V

You know, I can't believe that Pink actually thought I'd stay put. It just goes to show how much she doesn't know me. That and I have an agenda to fulfill. Especially after having a front row seat to her argument with Blue Diamond. It's clear now by the looks of things that Pink's not going to stop her actions by mere persuasion and kinds words on my part. Stopping this war will require a more straightforward and, personally, less desirable method. When there's a fire rising, combat with your own tender flame. If Pink's gonna have her rebellion, I will have my own as well.

Unbeknownst to her or Pearl, I stand on the large hunk of rock that serves as the gateway between Earth and Homeworld, the Galaxy Warp. It was little trouble getting here, the moonbase having a near-direct connection with the Pad. What does give me reason to pause and to have waited for the past thirty minutes, is if I'm entirely one hundred percent sure about doing this. What I have planned is on a magnitude that I've never conceived before and will certainly be challenging to accomplish. But, as I come to my final thoughts this very minute, I do believe that this is how it must be done.

There's no turning back now.

I move to step on the larger-than-normal Warp Pad, but then suddenly pause. Feeling this sharp and radiating pain in my whole body, I fall to one knee and grit my teeth while clenching my fists. I've felt pain before, but this rivals anything I've experienced previously. I'm fortunate enough though because it disappears almost as soon as it first appeared. Taking some much needed breaths, I run a hand along my forehead but then notice something strange going with the other. For a brief couple of seconds, while turning my hand over and around, it becomes see through and seems to fade in and out of reality.

Fear seizes me like a damp undershirt. The timeline's getting altered so much that I'm beginning to disappear from existence. I guess I've gotta hurry before I run out of time and fade out completely before I'm able to stop this mass genocide. I get up from my kneeling position and hurry onto the Galaxy Warp, envisioning the tall spires of Homeworld. The Warp Stream then whisks me up, up, and away. Off to Homeworld I go! Because out of everything, one thing is for certain. If you have to fight against someone who's gathering allies, find some allies of your own.

Mine will be in the form of one Peridot and one Lapis Lazuli.

~~ Three Days Later... ~~

Rose/Pink's P.O.V

"Are you sure about this, Pearl?" I ask.

"Yes, I am my Di- Rose" She replies, almost slipping up.

My breath hitches and I look to see if Garnet caught on. The fusion walks as casual as always, so I guess not. I sigh in relief, shaking my head slightly at how close that was.

"I just hope that these Gems are trustworthy" I continue, looking ahead at the dark gray mountains we're coming closer to.

After talking with some Amethyst allies, they gave us information about a grouping of Bismuths that were tucked away in these caverns. Supposedly, the Bismuths are excellent sword smiths, and seeing as though the war is approaching, I'll need a weapon to use in a fight. I surprisingly found out that I'm able to summon a shield from my Gem, but that would only last me for so long in battle and I can't have Pearl or Garnet shattered trying to protect me.

Letting my gaze wander over to the fusion once more, I reminisce about the time we've spent together since she first agreed to join us. Pearl and I helped her come up with the name Garnet, the inspiration coming from the logic of a Ruby gem mixed with a Sapphire gem. Pretty easy really, but after we gave her the name, Garnet was much more open with us. From her, I found out that both the Ruby and Sapphire were both members of Blue Diamonds court and that they had to run away, for they risked getting shattered if they had stayed. I felt completely sympathetic for her when she said that, for I know the feeling of not being able to feel safe around those you were previously close to.

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