His Reasons Why

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~~ At the Tower.... ~~

Steven's P.O.V

As I'm escorted down the long, lavish halls by the Topaz soldier, I can't help but smile. I did it! I won! And now, Pink will face the full extent of my wrath and learn how her actions have more reality to them than she could ever conceive. I'm a bit nervous about this, but at the same time, I'm excited too. It's weird, but I am who I am. The Topaz soon stops, gesturing towards a diamond-shaped door on my right. As expected, it's colored pink, so I know I'm in the right place. After her being forcefully escorted away from our little meeting with the other Diamonds, Pink was more than likely tossed inside and told to "sit there and think about what you did". It'd almost be funny if she got nap time privileges taken away too, but I can't really compare Pink to a toddler. She's more of a whiny, temperamental two year-old.

Swallowing down my hesitation, I give the 'go ahead' nod to the Topaz and she very kindly opens the door. It slides into the ceiling, like any futuristic alien space prison would, and I stride very confidently inside. As I do, I spot Pink cowering up against the far wall. She quickly notices me, though I doubt she can see my face because of me being in the light.

"Steven?!" Pink exclaims, her voice a mixture of fear and anger.

I grin, happy to know that I can make her react like such.

"Hello, Pink" I reply flatly.

The door then slides down back into place, encasing us both in darkness, though with the meager light from the window, I'm still able to make out her form. It's trembling and crawling to her right, my left.

"H-How could you do this to me?" Pink stutters, "I was so close. So close to making a world that would be liberated from Homeworld and a safe haven for those that don't fit in with their standards...".

"Oh, I know..." I say, watching her slink across the wall, "Believe it or not, I once wished for the same thing. Freedom for all and a fresh start for those who were previously rejected. It was something I believed in for my whole life."

"THEN WHY DID YOU RUIN EVERYTHING?!" Pink screams, suddenly running at me.

Sighing, I wait for the right moment and as she's about to attack, I sidestep and trip her. Pink crashes to the ground, not noticing that I've slipped into the shadows. Once she's back on her feet though, all she can hear is my voice coming from somewhere within the room.

"Because I then found out the truth about you. I learned that Pink Diamond, or Rose Quartz if you'd prefer, was not the shining, magnificent, spinning image of perfection that Gems and humans would bow down to worship. No, you're nothing but a selfish, little liar that isn't afraid to manipulate others into sacrificing themselves for the sake of your own personal gain" I tell her.

"What? What do mean 'personal gain'? I did this so that my Crystal Gems could live in a world where they can be themselves without having the worry of being shattered!" Pink exclaims, looking around to try and find me.

What she doesn't know is that I'm hidden in the corner opposite her, grinning and laying out all that I feel.

"Really? And what about those Gems that were created to serve you? You seemed to have no problem denying them any sort of chance for freedom. Would you have shattered me too when you felt like I wasn't helping you anymore?" I argue, actual sadness welling up in my voice.

"Stars, no! I would never do that to you! How could you even think that that would be something I'd do?" Pink cries, tears forming under her eyes.

I almost feel the need to take pity on her. But, no. She needs to hear it all. Hear what she did to her little 'safe haven' after she died.

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