Altered History Made

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Steven's P.O.V

Finding the Warp Pad and heading back to the Arena was quite frankly the easiest thing I've done today. I say it's the easiest because the battles with Rose and the Crystal Gems took a rather draining toll on me, mentally, physically, and emotionally. The weight of it all just makes me want to find a secluded spot, sit against something solid, and breathe slowly while I try to erase the images from my mind. I haven't shattered anyone before, but poofing them is the gateway leading into it. My attitude about this whole situation is pretty flat and straightforward, but that doesn't mean I felt only as much. Deep down, I'm truly conflicted and sad that I had to do this. During my fights with the Gems, memories of all the times we shared together kept coming to mind. It made it so much harder to proceed with everything I've done. Yes, I've told myself that it's the right thing and that it had to be done to move forward, but thinking about it that particular way raises a question within me:

Am I really any different from Rose?

Explanations aside though, I found the Warp Pad that Rose and her Crystal Gems used to get up to the Arena in the first place and launched myself back to where the fight started. Per the norm with how Warp Pads work, I was there before you could say 'Bob's your uncle'. Up the stairs I went with a bit happiness, but also with some inner sorrow, and bounded into the Arena center. I was pleased to note that while a small fraction of the Homeworld Army was poofed, the entire portion of the Crystal Gem army was poofed as well, their gemstones littering the floor. Standing proud and confident from all the rest is my dream team trio of Jasper, Peridot, and Lapis. The third, and by far the most pretty of them all, is first to notice my return. Lapis cries out with joy and glides toward me with her wings, enveloping me in a hug that nearly knocks me to the floor.

"Steven! I'm so glad you're back! I don't know what I would've done if you had been shattered!" The ocean gem exclaims, her face nuzzling into my neck.

Her touch is very warm and makes butterflies erupt in my stomach, causing a smile to work its way onto my face.

"I'm as equally glad that you're safe and sound too, Lapis" I muse, rubbing up and down her back, brushing over her gem.

Lapis pulls back, due to the contact, and blushes, which brings out a very cute side of her that I never noticed before. It's that side of her that makes me want to kiss her again and I actually begin to lean forward to do it. Lapis is quick to catch on and goes for it to, but Peridot interrupts up.

"Well, look who came back completely unharmed!" Peridot says in her snarky tone, standing cross-armed beside us.

We both freeze and move back, not wanting Peridot to see what we were going to do. Lapis justs bites her lip in disappointment, but I'm feeling in too good a mood to squander in this change, so I walk over to Peridot and spread my arms open for an incoming hug. She grows thin-lipped, but blushes nonetheless.

"Don't act like you don't want them" I tease, winking at her that causes the tech gem's cheeks to darken further.

She relents and I squeeze her tightly around her short, slim waist. Her body feels stiff at first to my touch, but slowly Peridot relaxes into it and slinks her arms over my shoulders and down behind my back, resting her chin on my head. It takes a bit, but even someone as hardened as her can't help but smile. It makes her look cute too. I keep at it for just long enough that Peridot feels comfortable and at peace, but after a nice healthy does of love and affection, I separate and step back, giving her room to breathe. Lapis then comes up behind me and puts a helping hand on my shoulder. I smile, loving how these gems right here are just the best companions that I a hybrid like me could ask for. The only one who could complete this picture, though, has yet to join the huddle, but eventually the buff gem works her way over from the crowd of the Homeworld Army and comes to a halt on Peridot's right.

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