A Hybrid's Court

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Steven's P.O.V

"But first, I need food" I admit.

Lapis and Peridot immediately frown. They're probably wondering why after all that heroic talk, I then said something as simple minded as 'me hungry'. Thinking about now, I'm kinda wondering myself why I said that, but I can't really take it back now. Man, people like me really gotta watch what they say. After all, you only really get one chance at a first impression, even though I'm pretty sure I already made it. You never know though.

"Ok, but what is this thing you refer to as 'food'?" Peridot asks, completely confused.

"Oh! Well, it's either bread, berries, cheese, or something else that has protein around here" I explain, but then see on both of the gems faces that I wasn't really helping, "...Ok, I guess that didn't help to elaborate on anything. Um... I suppose another way to describe it is something that is seen being passed around by humans that is also out inside their mouths".

"Hmm.." Peridot hums, scrolling through a hexagon screen made of her limb-enhancer fingers, "I suppose we could do a scan of the immediate area and see about triangulating down to a single location, if that would help at all, my Diamond".

"Sure, let's get right on it" I respond.

Peridot commences this 'search' thing that she can apparently do. While the green bean pole is hard at work, Lapis then wanders over and looks at me in an almost fascinated way. Maybe she's still in shock of me saving her, though I'm kinda doubtful. Being saved by me is not usually the kind of thing that gets the ladies looking at me like I'm eye candy. That or I've been doing the wrong things so far in my life.

"Can I help you with something, Lapis?" I ask kindly, guessing that she'd like to ask me something.

She looks down hesitantly and clasps her hands together in front of her, almost debating to herself if she should say what she's about to say.

"Well..." Lapis starts, "I can't help but be curious about something. So, if you wouldn't mind me asking, what exactly are you, Steven?".

I run my teeth back and forth over each other, thinking of the best possible way to answer her.

"Have you ever heard of the term hybrid, Lapis? A mixture of two different materials/elements? That's me. I'm part Diamond and part human, or organic as you'd call them. A combined result of two peoples that agreed to live in harmony beside one another, but also a bridge to keep each of said groups from falling out with the other. At least, that's what I wanted to do with my life before this came along" I carefully describe, trying to lay it out in terms that she'll understand.

Due to Lapis' nodding, I must've done alright.

"I see.." Lapis replies, sounding clearly intrigued, "But how is it that you were created? Certainly there had to have been special/unique method for your design!".

I pause as she asks this. I don't know if I should tell her about Pink Diamond being my mother or not. I'm partially scared of Peridot finding out, even though she's agreed to help me in this, but what I'm more frightened of is if I spill the beans and then they both turn on me. Granted, Peridot was given a direct order from White Diamond, of all people, but Pink is still a fairly respected Diamond herself around this time. If I make clear that I'm going to war with a Diamond, a being that Lapis or Peridot would have trouble defying because of their nature to serve them, I could immediately lose their support. Then again, if I don't tell them now, when will I? Waiting isn't the best choice and I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of their anger if something goes awry and we're forced to shatter someone all because I didn't elaborate on my personal attachment to this instance. So, I guess I'll be out with it!

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