Final Spark of the Rising Flame

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Rose/Pink's P.O.V

All I am right now is a weeping mess lying on the floor of the moonbase. Not too long ago, I rushed back here worried that Steven might be hurt, starving, or even dead, but when I came inside and looked around, I found that he was gone. I immediately broke down, not having the slightest clue as to where he could've run off to. I blame myself mostly. If I had just brought him along on our missions with me, I could've kept a better eye on him and prevented a situation like this. It doesn't matter now though.


The poor little human probably got scared being all alone and accidentally warped off to someplace that caused him to get lost. He's probably out there right now, begging for me to find him and leaving me no way to bring him home! The tears are so brutal that I couldn't stop them even if I wanted to and right now, I don't want to. I want to feel this as a result of my failure. Pearl, however, is the opposite and has been trying to cheer me up for, like, ten minutes now. Nothing has worked and honestly, I'm tempted to tell her to stop, but some small part of me is grateful that she's here to listen and that I'm not, instead, all by myself like Steven was when I left.

"My Diamond, please.." Pearl says, trying to console me, "It's not that big a deal".

"Yes, it is, Pearl" I sniffle, "That precious and cute human is gone and it's all my fault. Who knows where he could be now?!".

I then hear Pearl grumble, mumbling to herself about something. What could she be thinking?

"What's on your mind, Pearl?" I ask, my voice croaking from the sobs.

"I'm wondering if maybe he was captured by the Diamonds or maybe that Blue or Yellow came here while we were out and found him here. They could've taken Steven back to Homeworld with them, thinking that he was some lost gem" Pearl explained.

I shudder at the thought.

"Oh, I hope not. I wish for anything else other than that!" I cry, holding my shaking hands together.

"That..or they could've just killed him" Pearl blatantly adds.

"WHAT!?" I spin around in shock.

"Well, my Diamond, Blue or Yellow have more than likely heard about our rebellion by now. It's possible that either of them might've came here to see how you were handling it and upon seeing the human there instead of you, killed him thinking that he killed you" Pearl describes rather calmly.

I feel panic and sudden onset fear latch onto me quicker than a Gem Incubator. It makes me shake so much that I accidentally fall forward onto the floor. However, I catch myself before I face plant, leaving me to gaze down at my own reflection. The face of a Diamond that has failed to protect the one she promised to care for. A 'flawed' Diamond, as White would describe me. One that deserved to be shattered for her ignorance, stupidity, and lack of responsibility. Is this why Yellow and Blue didn't trust me with my own colony? Is this fate showing itself in the most cruelest of fashions?

No. No, no, it's not like that. It's my fault that Steven was left here, but it's Blue and Yellow's fault that he's dead. It makes more and more sense the longer I stir on the fact. How could it not have gone down like that? Both are heartless and mean to those they view as lower than themselves. And, they're quick to shatter anyone that is even remotely disloyal to them. Yes... they took Steven from me... and now....I'm going to avenge him!

Clenching both my fists tightly, I rise up from my knees slowly and gaze once more down at my own self reflection. If I can't help Steven as a Diamond, then I'll have to fight for him as a Rose Quartz. Only one thing remains to set this war into motion and it's a move that previously was something I dared not venture into. Things have changed though. Now, it's the best and only option to rid this planet of any traces of Homeworld and to ensure that none of the Diamonds ever try to take this world from me like they did Steven. Blue and Yellow may ignore me as Pink Diamond, but as Rose Quartz, they'll have to listen. And they'll listen good.

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