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It was a normal day for ladybug and cat noir. Just on a patrol around the beautiful city of Paris. They had almost gotten done when car noir looked up and said

Chat noir: listen M-lady. I haven't eaten yet and was wondering if you could join my for dinner.

Ladybug: Sorry chat. I made plans with my friends to go out to eat.

Chat: Well bugaboo, if you get done early. Call me and we could hang out.

Ladybug: Well kitty, I won't promise anything but I'll think about it.

Chat: I'll be waiting.

Ladybug flung her yoyo and left. Chat made his way to an area where he started setting up the place. He decorated the place with candles and had rose petals all over the ground. He lit all the candles and sat down.

(With ladybug)

She flung her yoyo into her room. This is where she detransformed.

Marionette: I really feel bad for chat.

Tikki: Why? You told him the truth.

Marionette: People say that the truth hurts. Also, I just ditched him. I feel terrible.

Tikki: You only told him the truth. You should get ready for tonight though.

Marionette: What's the point? Every time Alya, Nino, Adrien, and I make plans. Adrien's dad has to lock him in his room for some stupid reason.

Tikki: I don't know, but you don't want to keep them waiting.

She looked outside and Alya was out there with her arms around Nino's. I got dressing into a skin tight red dress that goes to my ankles. I grabbed a little black purse and Tikki flew into it.

Alya: Girl, you clean up good. Be careful, maybe into you.

She giggled softly and all the blood rushed to her cheeks.

Marionette: Nino, where's Adrien?

Nino: Idk dudette. He told me his father was on lock down a minute ago. Sorry.

Marionette: no need to be sorry. Lets go eat. I'm starving.

The three of them walked to the restaurant. Marionette was still a little upset, but she couldn't ruin this night for Alya and Nino.

(Back to Chat) Chats pov

It's been a few hours and nothing still no Ladybug. I knew she had plans, but I still am hurt. I walked over to the balcony of the place and leaned over the rails. I looked down to see a girl running. She had a beautiful red dress on with a black purse. I saw that she was getting tired of running, so I jumped down and ran in front of her.

She looked straight at me with a tear stained face and I asked.

Chat: Are you ok miss?

Marionette: I'm fine thank you.

I looked into her eyes recognized her

Chat: Marionette, what are you doing out here? And why are you crying?

Marionette: No offense kitty, but none of your business.

I picked her up as I jumped and landed on her balcony. I slowly put her down and said.

Chat: Now can you answer my questions. What were you doing out there? And why are you crying?

Marionette: me and a couple of friends had a plan tonight to go out and eat. One of them hurt me and I ran crying.

I could feel my blood boiling.

Chat: Who hurt you. I will kick his or her ass.

Marionette: Don't worry. I ment emotionally not physically. And he lied to the three of us and decided to ditch us for a blonde bitch. I was really hurt because I really like him.

Chat: Who?

Marionette: No body. I don't matter now.

I had just realised how close I was to her. I slowly lifted my hand and touched her face.

Chat: Please, Marionette. Please tell me.

Mari: okay. His name is Adrien. He and I were suppose to go to the restaurant together. But he text Nino saying his dad had him on lock down. We were at the restaurant when Chloe posted a pic of him and her at her place.

What? I wasn't with Chloe.

Mari: I wasn't that upset about his father, but when I saw that..

I hugged her and tears fell on my shoulder.

Chat: I'm so sorry Mari. You don't deserve that. I just want to say this. That guy is completely nuts. You look breathe taking. You are very beautiful. Any guy would be lucky to have you Princess.

Mari: Princess?

Chat: With your hair down, you look like a beautiful princess. So, that's your new nickname.

I gave her a cheeky smile. I saw her slightly blush as she looked up at me. I leaned in closer to her and our lips connected. I closed my eyes and pulled her closer. She threw her arms around my neck as I deepened the kiss. I lick her bottom lip asking for permission. She slightly opened her mouth granting my wish. Our tongues battled for dominance, but I won and explored her mouth. Leaving no place untouched. I broke the kiss in need for air. I was about to go back for more when I heard three beeps.

Chat: Damn it, Plagg. See you later purincess.

I pecked her on the cheek and went home. I landed inside my room and detransformed.

Plagg: What are you doing kid?

Adrien: What do you mean?

Plagg: you know what I mean.

Adrien: I felt sad, I saw her crying, I ran up to her. What's so wrong with that?

Plagg: And the part where you kissed her.

I started blushing. I looked up into the night sky.

Plagg: I thought you loved Ladybug.

Adrien: I do, but Mari reminds me of Ladybug. The way she thinks of others. I think I am starting to like Marionette.

Plagg: Whatever, let's go to bed. You have school tmw.

Thanks for reading my Fanfic.

This is my first on Miraculous Ladybug.

Tell me if you ship Marichat, because I do.

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