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Mari pov

It's been a month since I found out the gender. I have been more hormonal. I am just glad Adrien is here for me. I just wish my family would except that I am pregnant. Last week, Adrien and I visited the bakery to talk to them and they saw my belly. My dad gave me the most horrid face I have seen ever.

(Last week)

Tom: Well, Marionette have you come to your senses and decide to get rid of the baby after all?

Mari: What? NO! I just want to visit. I miss you guys.

Sabine: We were perfectly fine until you got pregnant how do you feel?

Adrien: Now that's enough! I don't care if you are her parent. You will treat you daughter with respect. You were perfectly fine with know that me and her were dating, but after we told you she was pregnant. You guys became worse than I could ever imagine.

I started to cry.

Mari: A-all w-we wanted t-to say was we k-know the g-gender. We w-want you to k-know the gender.

Tom: Well what is it?

Mari: It's a...

I got interrupted by Adrien's finger on my lips.

Adrien: Mari, they don't deserve to know. They don't deserve to be apart of our lives. I was surprised when you said what you did. I thought my father was going to be the one to say that. But he loves Mari. I thought my dad would disown me. But you disowned her for something like this. You are no mother and father. You don't deserve to have a part in our kids's life.

He wrapped his arm around me.

Adrien: Lets go, Mari.

(Present time)

Mari: Ugh, why am I so fat?

Adrien: Your not fat.

Mari: I don't see how I am not.

Adrien: You are perfect.

Mari: Then how come we had to buy me a shirt that is about three sizes bigger.

Adrien: Don't worry, it will be over soon. We only have three months left.

Mari: But I look like I could pop at any moment.

Adrien: Well, then I will just have to practice being a father a little more.

Mari: Could you get me some chips please?

Adrien: Yeah, sure.

He walks down stairs in our new house. He had bought us our own mansion. I still think it's too much, but he seems to like it. I love our room. We have at least ten room in our mansion and six bathrooms. Alya and Nino like to visit us from time to time, so they stay in the spare bedroom. I was laying on my bed when I heard a scream.

Adrien: What was that?

I look out the window and see an Akuma.

Mari: It's an Akuma.

Adrien: I'll go after it, but you will stay here.

Mari: But you can't purify Akumas.

Adrien: Ugh, I don't want you or the babies getting hurt. And now one else knows that you are LB.

Mari: I got a solution to that.

Adrien: What is it?

Mari: I could grab the fox miraculous and the turtle and give them to Alya and Nino to help you while I wait for the Akuma.

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