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Marionette pov

I woke up the next morning in my bed. I sat up and thought about what had happened last night. Chat kissed me. I had no idea about how I felt. I knew I still loved Adrien, but feelings for Chat were creeping up on me. I got out of my bed and went down to breakfast.

Mom: Hey honey, how did you sleep.

Mari: Honestly, a little better than usual.

Dad: Well that's good. Here, I made some croissants.

I snatched them out of his hand, hugged, and thanked him. I went up stairs into my room to change and went down stairs to head to school.

(Time skip)

I was right in front of the school. Alya was waiting for me right in front of the door.

Alya: Hey, are you ok?

Mari: Yeah, I'm fine.

Alya: Are you sure? You ran out of that restaurant in a hurry. I ran after you but couldn't find you.

Mari: I'll explain at lunch. Ok?

Alya: ok.

We ran into the class room and everybody was staring at me with a giggle. I was so confused. What happened?

Nino: Hey dudette, you okay?

Mari: yeah, I'm fine. What are they laughing about and does it involve me?

Chloe went up to me and spoke.

Chloe: Well, I guess because you couldn't get Adrien you wanted more attention.

Mari: What?

Alya showed me a picture of me and Chat KISSING!

Mari: How did you guys get that picture?

Chloe: So it is true.

Mari: He saw me crying and brought me home. That's all. I told him what happened and he ended up kissing me. That's it. Who took that photo? I don't remember me or Chat taking photos. I don't even remember him have a phone at hand at all.

Alya: I went to your house to see if you were there and saw Chat on your balcony. I got onto the roof of the next door neighbor's house and saw he kissed you. I'm sorry, I was just so surprised. Girl, either you got game or he has got game.

Chloe: I would say neither. He pry just felt bad for you and kissed his charity case.

That is when Adrien came in and heard what was going on.

Adrien pov

Chloe: Oh Adriekins. I had so much fun with you last night.

Adrien: Chloe, I didn't hang out with you last night. I was at home on lock down. Just ask my body guard and Natalie. Why would I ditch my friends for a spoiled little brat.

Chloe: Because I'm way better than them combined. White girl who trips over everything. Dark skinned girl who thinks she's the shit. And Californian guy who thinks he is a Dj.

Adrien: You know what I am going to be right back. You don't move.

I raced out of the room with my blood boiling. How dare she talk about my girl like that.

Plagg: What are you doing, kid?

Adrien: I won't tolerate anybody talking to my princess like that. PLAGG CLAWS OUT.

I transformed into Chat noir and raced back into the room. I saw Mari on the ground with tears in her eyes. Chloe was kicking her stomach.

Chat: How dare you do that to my princess.

She suddenly stopped and turned around.

Chloe: Oh please, I'm doing you a favor and ending your little charity case.

I walked closer to her and grabbed her arm.

Chloe: Let go of me you animal.

Chat: You ever do that again, that will be the stupidest thing you will ever do.

She had a flash of fear in her eyes and said.

Chloe: Do you know who I am.

Chat: Who doesn't? Chloe a spoiled little brat who has her daddy wrapped around her finger because she is all alone. She couldn't give two shits about anybody but herself. She only thinks about money and looks. She only does the things she does because she is sad inside. Well guess what bitch, everyone is sad inside. Some more than others. You think you have it bad. At least you aren't having to deal with some bitch kicking your stomach.

I pick Mari up and kiss her forehead.

Chat: She was never my charity case. She is the girl that has always been there for me. So I was there for her. She is the one that is always putting others first. If you were half of what she was, others would begin to like you. Maybe others would like you if you weren't so selfish all the time. She is the girl I love. My princess may not feel the same, but I do love her. I will always love her and protect her.

Chloe: I'm telling daddy.

She ran out of the room. I had Mari in my arms and she had her eyes closed. I could see a faint blush and a small smile forming on her lips.

Alya: I'm so glad I got that on video.

Chat: Princess.

Mari: Yes?

Chat: I have to go. See you later.

I put her down and kissed her. She put her arms around my neck as she enjoyed the kiss. I broke the kiss and waved to her goodbye.

I ran back into the bathroom and changed back into Adrien.

Plagg: Ok, now I'm confused. Do you love her?

Adrien: Yes, I do. She maybe mad at Adrien, but not at Chat. Quick hide.

I walked into the class room and saw Mari in her seat smiling and slightly blushing. I went into my seat right in front of her.

Adrien: What happened while I was gone?

Alya: Chat came by. You missed it. He embarrassed the crap out of Chloe. He totally stood up for Marionette. It was really sweet of him.

Adrien: I'm glad. Hey Mari, I just wanted to say. I didn't hang out with Chloe. I stayed at home, if you don't believe me just ask by body guard.

Mari: I believe you. I was just upset. Chat cheered me up. He really is amazing.

I blushed slightly. She thinks I'm amazing.

Adrien: Well, I'm glad your happy.

A certain cat is going to visit his princess tonight.

Thanks for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. I know it pry sucked. I will try to post as much as I can.

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