Adrienette lemon

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Adrien pov

We arrived at my mansion. I led her out of the limo. Gorilla grabbed all of her things from the trunk.

Natalie: Marionette,come with me please. I will escort you to your new room, for right now.

Mari: Ok.

She followed her and I went into my dad's office.

Gabriel: Son, come on.

Adrien: Dad, I have to talk to you about something.

Gabriel: Does it have to do with the girl that rode with you.

Adrien: Yes it does. I have three things to tell you.

Gabriel: What is it?

Adrien: Mari is my new girlfriend. She started out as one of my best friends, but I started growing feelings for her.

Gabriel: Okay, what's the second?

Adrien: She's pregnant, with your grandchild.

Gabriel: Okay, what is the last thing.

Adrien: He parents didn't except her being pregnant and kicked her out. I told her I would talk to you about her moving in.

Gabriel: That's fine with me. I want to meet her, if that's okay with you.

Adrien: Thank you father. Of course you can meet her.

Gabriel: Your welcome.

I ran to Maris room to go get her. She was on her bed putting the sheets on. I decided to sneak up on her. I tip toed up to her. I snuck my arms around her waist and kissed her neck. She didn't jump. She turned around and kissed me on the lips.

Mari: I'm almost done unpacking.

Adrien: My father wants to meet you.

Mari: Do you think he will like me?

Adrien: If I can learn to love you he can to.

I kissed her on the cheek and went to my father's office hand in hand.

I opened the door and saw my father kind of smiling.

Adrien: Father, this is my girlfriend. Marionette Dupain Cheng.

She smiled a little as he stood up and hugged her.

Gabriel: It's very great to see you. I haven't seen you in a while Marionette.

Adrien: Wait, you've meet before?

Mari: Remember when you lost your father's book?

Adrien: Yeah.

Mari: Well, I was the one who had it. It looked interesting and had to take a look. I got so interested in the book that I took it to see what it was. It took a while but I returned it to your father.

Adrien: Oh.

Mari: Yeah.

Gabriel: I like this girl. She is really special. She's a keeper, Adrien.

Mari looked up at me as the blood rushed to her cheeks.

Gabriel: And I understand you guys are expecting a child.

Mari: Yeah.

She put her hands on her stomach.

Gabriel: How long have you two been together?

Adrien: Maybe a couple weeks.

Mari: Something like that.

Gabriel: Do you know the gender and who else knows?

Mari: No I do not but our friends Alya, Nino, and my parents now.

Gabriel: Okay. I like you. I know you will make my son very happy. Thank you. You may go know.

We walked out of my dad's office. I pick her up bridal style and brought her to her room.

Mari: You know I can walk fine right?

Adrien: I just want to spoil you.

No ones pov

Adrien: I'm going to make you feel so good.

Adrien lifted Mari up on his waist wrapping her legs around him. He gently pushed her into wall. He started kissing passionately. He slowly moves to her neck giving her hickeys on her sweet spots. He pulled her top off kissing the top of her chest.

Mari: Ahh.

He smirked in between the kiss. Adrien unclipped her bra while kneading her breasts.

Mari: Ahh. Adrien. Ahh

He moved her to the bed not letting her go.

Adrien: When I'm done with you, you won't be able to walk.

She bit her lip as he started kissing down her body. She let out small moans slowly getting louder while he went lower.

Mari: Ahh.

He reached down her pants sliding two finger in her core using his thumb to rub circles on her clit.


He smirked widely as she said his name. He slowly slid her pants down. He got up and grabbed a cloth. He came back and tied her hands to the bed post. He started to kissing down her body again. I put his head in between her thighs and blew slowly, reaching her core.

Mari: Ah.

I started to kiss her lower lips earning loud moans.

Mari: Ahh.

I started swirling his tongue in between her floods moving in a circular formation. Swirling her juices.

Mari: ADRIEN, ahh I'm about to cum.

He started go faster as she got closer.

Mari: Yes, Adrien YES!

As she started to reach her high he quickly retracted his tongue.

Mari: Why did you stop?

Adrien: we will save that part for later.

He started kissing up her body. He pulled his tip and bottoms off rubbing his clothed growth in between her folds. He let out a soft groan as his growth painfully got bigger.he quickly took of his boxers.

Adrien: What do you want, Mari?

Mari: I want you.

Adrien: You have to be a little bit more specific than that. What exactly do you want?

Mari: I want you inside me.

Adrien: Now that I can do, princess.

Adrien stuck his growth within Mari. He started to going fast then hard then deep. With every thrust going even more.

Mari: ADRIEN, Harder please Adrien, HARDER.

He obliged and went harder.

Mari: Faster Adrien, Faster PLEASE.

He started thrusting faster harder and deeper. He started to reach his high as he quickly changed positions. Her domination, he moving her hips up and down.

Mari: Ahh, Adrien.

Adrien: Mari, ahh I gonna cum.

Mari: Me too.

They both came at the same time, but rode out there highs.

Adrien: I love you Mari.

Mari: I love you too Adrien.

As they both said that they quickly fell asleep. Both of them tired from the activity.

Thanks for reading. School is out. I got my tonsils and abnoids removed and I have no internet at my house, so I may not have much time to publish these chapters right away. I hope you like this story so far. Later crazies.

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