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Mari pov

It has been two and a half months. And I look like I am ready to pop. Well, I am carrying twins. Every mining I wake up and get ready for the day I look at my reflection and see the stretch marks. All of the scaring. I see the moving of the belly too. I felt in love and sad at the same time. Being a mother has its ups and downs. I just can't wait until the babies are out.

Mari: I think I will name you Saphirra. And you will be Adrianna. Saphirra Marie Dupain Cheng Agreste. And Adrianna Mae Dupain Cheng Agreste. I know they are handfuls but they will be perfect.

Adrien: We still have half a month. You need your sleep.

Mari: I know. I just can't wait to see our little angles.

Adrien: Me neither, but we still have to. Come on sleep and lay down with me, please.

He pouted and I giggled.

Adrien: I love that sound.

I blushed a little.

Adrien: I haven't seen you blush in a while.

Mari: Well, get use to it. Okay, fine I'll sleep.

Adrien: Thank you, good night.

Mari: Good night.

I went to sleep. That same night I have a dream I was in labor. I recognized the cries of Adrien trying to wake me up. I was kind of freaking out. I woke up with a sudden jolt.

Adrien: MARI, WAKE UP.

He was shaking and out of breathe the same as me.

Adrien: Are you ok?

Mari: Yeah, just had a little nightmare.

Adrien: Can you tell me about it?

Mari: it wasn't all too bad except for the part where you were trying to wake me up. I was in labor.

Adrien: What happened?

Mari: I don't know. I woke up before I could tell why you were freaking out. You had the babies in your hand too.

Adrien: So you don't know why?

Mari: No I don't. Why?

Adrien: Nothing. Let's go back to sleep. Okay.

He snuggles a little closer to me and kisses my lips. I pull closer and reopen the kiss.

Mari: I will never get enough of that.

Adrien: I will never get enough of you.

Mari: I love you.

Adrien: I love you too.

I doze off into sleep and a few hours later I woke up. I felt something wet on my bottom half and wake up Adrien.

Mari: Adrien.

He didn't budge.

Mari: Adrien, please.

He still didn't move.


I woke up with a force.

Adrien: What, what, what's going on?

Mari: I think my water broke.

Adrien: WHAT?

Mari: Just call the ambulance and let's get ready. We all ready packed for a couple weeks to stay there. Just call.

Adrien: On it.

He ran out of bed and held his phone.


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