MariChat lemon

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Mari pov

After school let out, I start to walk home with Alya right beside me. We talked the hole time.

Alya: So, can you tell me what happened between you and Chat last night.

Mari: Honestly Alya, I can't even explain what happened. He was just really sweet. I ran into him last night after running away from the restaurant. He asked me what was wrong, but I was too sad to tell him. He brought me to my balcony and kept on asking. I finally told him about what happened. He was happy I trusted him with this. So he kind of kissed me. I couldn't pull away. He was really great.

Alya: Okay. We are here. I will be stopping by in an hour to hang out. I have stuff to do at home.

Mari: Okay. See you later.

Alya: Bye girl.

I walk inside the bakery and walk upstairs. Tikki flew out of my purse.

Tikki: So Mari are you ok.

Mari: Chat kissed me. I don't know. I feel great, but I feel like I betrayed Adrien by doing that.

Tap tap tap.

Tikki: Looks like you knight in black leather is back to see you.

Mari: quick hide, Tikki.

Nobodies pov

Mari opened the window and let Chat in.

Chat: Well hello princess.

He belt down and kissed her hand.

Mari: Hey Chat. I need to talk to you about the kiss.

Chat: Yeah, me too.

Mari: I just want you to know that considering all of the pics on the walls. That I still love someone else.

Chat: Yeah, me too. I still love ladybug.

Mari: But, after spending yesterday with you. I have started having feeling for you.

Chat: Really?

Mari: Yes. I don't know what they are yet, but I want to kno...

She was cut off by Chat's lips. She closed her eyes and leaned closer to deepen the kiss. He lifted her up and put her against the wall. He continued  kissing her. He slowly moves down to her neck.

Mari: Ahh.

He slightly smirked through the kiss as her moans came out. Chat slightly grunted when she slightly tugged at his silky blonde hair. He went back up to kiss her lips. He moved her to the bed. He tugged at her shirt asking for permission.

Mari: Yes.

She took off her shirt and started kissing in between her chest. I moved down to her pants and slipped his hand in side. His finger started rubbing her clit.

Mari: *gasp* Ahh.

He smirked at her gasp and slipped his finger inside her core.

Mari: AH.

Giving her time to adjust he pulls her pants off and she pouted.

Mari: How come I am the only one naked.

Chat: So you want to see me naked.

Mari: Yes kitty.

He unzipped his suit and took out his sleeves. She started outlining his muscles and he chucked.

Chat: Like what you see?

Mari: Oh yes. Wait what?

She blushed a little and kissed his lips.

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