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Mari pov

It's been two full months since I moved into the Agreste Mansion. Natalie is amazing. She has been supporting me through this pregnancy when Adrien isn't there. I have started to like Adrien's father even more. And as the days have gone by, I have realized how great Adrien as a father would be. Not a day goes by that he doesn't worry about me. Today Adrien and I will be going to school telling people that I am pregnant. I am really nerves, but I should stop being so stressed about it. Also, I get to find out the gender today at 5 pm. I am really excited.

Adrien: Wake up M-lady.

Mari: Five more minutes.

Adrien gave a small chuckle.

Adrien: I would let you sleep a little longer, but we have school and today is the reveal to everybody and the gender.

Mari: Are you nerves?

Adrien: I would be lying if I said no, but I am really excited. What about you?

Mari: There is only one person I am worried about.

Adrien: Who?

Mari: Chloe. Once we tell her about me being pregnant, she might try to ruin me by saying that the father is someone else. She has always thought of me as trash and a whore. What am I going to do?

Adrien: Well, first of all. You are not trash. You are amazing. And second, you are no where close to being a whore. You are my girlfriend. Who cares what they think?

Mari: I love you. I hope you know that, kitty.

Adrien: I already know this M-lady. Now get dressed so I can meet you down stairs for breakfast.

He kissed my cheek and backed away slowly.

Mari: Okay I will be down in a little bit. I am going to take a shower.

Adrien: May I join?

Mari: Really, I mean sure just don't be getting any funny ideas.

(Time skip after shower)

Mari: What should I wear?

Adrien: You look good in anything just pick something so we can go.

Mari: Okay, be down in a second.

I pick out a red dress that fades into a black at the bottom and put on a ladybug themed purse to match. Tikki and Plagg both share my purse now. I don't mind. When me and Adrien split up they do follow their holders though. I put on black flats and head down stairs.

Adrien: You look breath taking Marionette.

Mari: Thank you. Your not so bad yourself.

Adrien: You might want to watch yourself today.

Mari: Why would I do that?

Adrien: Because I might put you under Agreste.

Mari: You and your puns.

Adrien: You love my puns, M-lady.

Mari: That I do.

(Time skip at school)

Adrien: You ready to reveal?

Mari: As ready as I'll ever be.

He grabs my hand and we walk to class. We sit down in or spots. Nino and I switched spots so me and Adrien can sit together. Nino is really cool.

Nino: Hey dudette, I haven't seen you since you told us about you.

He pointed at my belly. Not to noticeable though.

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