Faded Smiles #21

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Faded Smiles #21
Her bucket list

Aryl's POV

My tears are now forming in my eyes as the sky cries with me and feel the gloom that rule over the four-cornered room. I hug the blanket that covers my thin body and use it to wipe off the tears.

Closing my eyes like it can erase all the pain is my only hope to fugitive this life.

We are now at the top of the quiz bee and only one question left, we surely win this competition.

"Okay, for the last question for Montenegro Academy, but Khaki Academy can also be in your spot," the proctor said as he glances the four of us. "Who invented the first fluorescent lamp?" she added as she walks in the perimeter.

I glanced at Timothy who is looking at me too. I nodded my head signaling him to write what he knows.

He sighed as he holds the marker and started to write his answer.

I know he can do it.

I looked at the answer he was written and smile afterward.

We will win for sure.


My cheeks automatically uplifted when the protector looked at our answer. She shifted her gaze to me and smirk.

All the excitements that I felt are now gone and my hands started to feel wet because of the sweat that is formed.

"On a count of three, you will raise your cards in unison," she warned as she glanced towards Timothy and another student from our rival school. "One, two, three." she counts and the cards raise simultaneously.

She smirked at me that gave my whole body goosebumps as she faced the whiteboard to write the correct answer.

Congratulations Khaki University!" she said with a beam on her face as she faced the winners.

How did that happen?

Thomas Edison.

I bit my lower lip as I covered my ears when the struggling noises are coming in my mind.

"You are worthless!"

"You will give a disgrace to your school!"

"Don't join in that competition!"

"No! No, please. Please stop!" I pleaded to hold my breath and shook my head in annoyance.

My hands are forming in sweats as I felt my cheeks get wet because of the tears that were falling in my eyes.

I took a deep breath as my heart pumps heavier but it didn't work. I felt a big lump that holding my breath back as I lost my consciousness.

I forgot the direction. It is all my fault.

What kind of life is this?

Am I that bad to experience this kind of burden?

Am I a murderer in my previous life?

I laughed at my sudden thought and smiled wickedly.

I settled down to my bed and looked at the life-size mirror in front of it. I glanced at my whole with my blurry eyes and uplifted my cheekbones.

"Who are you? Do I know you? Do I really know you?" I asked myself as the tears in my eyes were flowing simultaneously.

My eyes diverted its attention to a paper that flies from the table beside my bed. I pursed my lips as I stood up to get the paper. As for my curiosity, I open the fold and smile as I read what is written on it.

My bucket list

1. Celebrate my 15th birthday.√
2. Wear a tiara for my birthday party.√
3. Take a joyride with my dad.√
4.  Make my parents happy.
5. Give Mommy her wish.

I already did the first three on the list and I have two left.

But how can I make her happy? How can I pursue her dreams if I already ruin her dream family?

"It is simple. You can end your life. You can end yours to pay for your debts," my brain answered that made my forehead creased.

Is ending my life is the answer?

Is it worth it?

"Yes, Aryl. It is. Your mother's happiness is worth it for your life."I smile and chuckled as I glanced at the piece of paper I was holding.

I scratched my nose and looked at the mirror as my smile automatically fades and my eyes started to blurred again because of the tears that were forming in my eyelids.

But I wiped all the tears that were formed when I heard my room's door open. I glanced at the door and I saw my mom who was standing still next to it.

I diverted my gaze when I saw how her eyes were filled with undefined anger.

I swallowed the lump that slowly forming on my throat as I glanced at her through the mirror.  "W-what... What brought you here, mom?" I stammered as I spoke.

I heard her grin and laugh sarcastically after whilst shaking her head with disbelief in her eyes. "Are you really that low, huh?"

"I don't know.. I don't know what you're talking about."  I tried to compose myself but my voice broke as I saw the disappointment in her eyes.

"Don't belittle your mom, Princess. I know what you're doing!" she said as she walks towards me and uprooted my hair again.

I hardly close my eyes to stop myself to cry and bit my lips to suppress my groan, "M-mom. Mom, please. I am saying the truth. I don't know what you're talking about."

She forced my knees to be bent on the floor and forcibly rub my face to it.

"M-mom! Mom... Mom, it hurts!" I compose my tears as I pleaded.

"This is what you've got! You flirt!" she shouted with her lungs as she was holding my hair.

"Mom, why are you doing this to me? I am your daughter, right? I may not be a Torres, but I am your daughter."

She smiled at me whilst holding my hair that will be uprooted anytime soon. "You wanna know the truth, huh? You ruined my life! You ruined my family! You killed my husband! Did you hear me? You ruined everything! " she said while gritted her teeth and tears falling in her fluffy eyes.

I tried to hold her hand that was uprooted my hair and held it firmly whilst staring at her eyes. I bent down my knees and kiss her hands whilst the tears are now falling in my tired eyes. "Mom please, I will do everything. Forgive me. Forgive me please."

I heard her laugh sarcastically, "forgive you? It would never happen!" her voice was dead as she looked directly at my eyes.

After what I heard, my strength literally went gone. My hands that were holding her hands fell on my lap as my tears are falling on the carpeted floor.

Is it really hard to forgive?


To be continued...

Mess Series #1: Faded Smiles  Where stories live. Discover now