Faded Smiles #29

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Aryl's POV.

It's been an hour since we arrived at the hospital. We are patiently waiting for Uncle's doctor to come out.

I can feel my mother's trembled hands that were holding mine. I held her hands using my left hand that made her glance at me for a second.

"Everything will be alright, mom," I tried to put a convincing tone in my voice and I succeeded because she beamed.

"Thank you," she said with the tear that falls from her eyes.

"You're always welcome, mom," I answered as I enveloped my arms on her. She put around her arms too on me that made me smile.

I miss this.

I am looking intently at the saint while kneeling in front of him asking for help.

They said all of my wishes will grant by him, and my only wish is for my mom's happiness.

I clasped my hands as I stared at him not bugging my knees that started to feel the pain.

"Lord, I know I am not that good. I am not that perfect daughter, I may not be the best daughter that she may have. But I love her as my mother and all I want is her happiness. Please, I am begging. Save her happiness. Save Uncle Rommel. Please," I pleased as my tears started to water the floor.

I suddenly felt a warm arm embracing me. I don't know but I burst into tears as he patted my shoulders to comfort me.

"You don't need to stand up all of this pain. I am always here, best friend." he continues to pat my head and caressed my hair as my head lean on his broad chest.


I burst into tears as I hugged him real tight.

"All I want is her happiness, but why can't I do that? Why can't I bring back her smiles?" I asked trying to suppress my sobs.

He caressed my cheeks after he embraced me with his warm arms.

"Everything will be alright." He held my hand as I stood up and walked towards Uncle Rommel's door.

I can already see my mom talking to Uncle Rommel's doctor and based on what I saw on their facial reaction, it is something serious.

It could take a dozen steps before I can reach my mom but I can already hear her little sobs.

I run as fast as I could to co sole my mom and I felt Tristan who's gently tapping my shoulders.

The doctor diverted his attention to me but after a second, he faced my mom again. "It is a serious matter, Mrs. Torres, of we, can't find a kidney donor after a week..." he shrugged and eyed my mom apologizingly, "...we might lose him."

I stunned...

Her sobs became louder and I felt so useless. I just tap her shoulder and hugged her real tight.

"I-I m-might... I might lose him," she said between her sobs and a tear fell from my eyes as I watched her cried again.

I might do something.

"Everything is gonna be alright, mom. You need to be strong." I tapped her shaking shoulders to give her comfort.

"I-I can't... I can't lose him. " She shook her head and held my hand tighter.

I wiped the tears in her eyes and gentle smile to give her strength.

I need to be strong.

For her.

"We're not gonna lose him. I promise." I held Tristan's hands for support.

Even just this once.

He stiffed but later on, he intertwined his fingers to mine and looked at me through the mirror that was in front of us.

Her silent sobs kill me.

"Mom, do you want something to eat or drink?" I ask politely. Trying to divert her attention to me.

She silently shook her head while staring at Uncle Rommel who's inside the Incentive Care Unit.

I glanced at Tristan to ask and he nodded as he responded.

It was on my mind hundred of times and I made up my decision.

I need to do this

I need to do this for her

I need to do this to make her one dream come true...

And it is to have a happy ending with her true king.

My hands trembled as my legs are shaking when I took the steps that I am taking.

My heart pounded. My cheeks was burned and I can't do anything.

Aryl, be strong.

That thought was playing in my head as I took every step to the office.

As soon as I am in front of the brown wooden door, I felt like my strength that I am giving is not enough and I just want to back down and mourn together with mom.

I closed my eyes and begun to throw a fist to the door three times and waited for it to open.

When the door suddenly opens, I felt that I lost the blood in my face and throw a faint beam.

"Doc?" I called his attention. He is currently reading reports about patients perhaps.

He diverted his attention to me and gave me an inquiring look, "Yes? What can I do for you?"

"Can you lend me a minute, doc?" I nervously asked as I bit my lower lip to hid my pale face.

To be continued...

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