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After people had gone home and said goodbye, Lucas made his way to his bedroom. He turned the knob and entered the room. Turning on the light, Lucas almost let out the most manliest scream at the figure tucked in his bed. He made his way towards the bed cautiously and peeked at the stranger's face. It was hard since half of his face was covered by the thick blanket.

Lucas crounched down onto the floor to get a better view and tugged at the blanket that was covering the boy's face. Once he saw his face, both corners of his mouth turned upwards as his heart warmed at the sight of Renjun sound asleep in his bed. Fate was useful for once.

Lucas sat properly on the floor and admired Renjun while he had his chance. He gentaly booped Renjun's nose with the tip of his finger to make sure he's real and not Lucas's wildest dreams. After making sure the sleeping boy was indeed real, he softly trailed his finger across Renjun's slightly flushed cheek. Lucas wanted to squeal like a highschool girl when Renjun purred in his sleep. The taller male felt like a creep while he examined the small boy's soft features. He couldnt find any flaw or any scar on his baby smooth skin. A small part of him wondered how he ended up in his bed but another part of him wanted to just pull the boy into a hug and never let go.

Lucas removed his hand from the boy as he stirred and turned over to the other side. Lucas sighed and stood up, lightly tiptoeing to the bathroom to take a shower. He cautiously locked the door and started stripping down from his clothes. A warm shower was the only way to wash down all the tiredness and soreness. Also to make him drowsy, helping him to sleep better.

Once he was done, he got out of the shower and wrapped a fluffy towel around his wrist, slowly turning the knob and making his way to the closet as quiet as possible. Had it been some other person in his bed, he would have already called the security on their ass but he didn't even have the guts to wake up the sleeping boy. Lucas smiled again at the thought of the boy in his bed.

He put on some white shirt and sweatpants, his dark hair slightly moist and dishivieled. He thought about whether to get in the bed or sleep on the floor since he didn't want the boy to be scared when he wakes up. But he chose to sleep on the bed because it was his house after all.

He slowly lifted the thick blanket and moved his one leg but froze mid air as Renjun stirred in his sleep. Lucas successfully made his large frame inside the bed and kept in a safe distance from the sleeping figure. He made himself comfortable and then surfed his social medias. After half an hour or so, he could feel his eye lids getting heavy, sleep was luring him in.

Lucas placed his phone on the night stand and turned towards Renjun, continuing to admire him. Lucas shouldn't be so whipped for the boy since he could even be a twelve year old child, lost from his family but he couldn't help it. It's been so long since he has felt this kind of longing and affection for someone. Even though he just met him this evening, he felt like his entire existence was made to love and care for this small boy.

Lucas wanted to roll around in his bed and cringe at how sappy he was becoming in just one evening but he didn't for the sake of Renjun. His eyes started shutting as he let sleep take over him.


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