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It was another early morning in the barely empty campus. Renjun and Donghyuck chatted about random stuffs. Yesterday, Lucas left as soon as he dropped Renjun off at his house. He seemed normal and happy which was his usual self.

It means Lucas wasn't bothered by the sudden change of mind. Renjun was glad and guilty but it was for the best. He hoped Lucas and him can remain good friends. While Renjun was off in his own world, Donghyuck took notes and paid attention to the lecturer. One of them gotta do it or both of them will fail.

"That's it for today. Now, get out of my class"

The professor barked as he rubbed his temples, eye bags prominent from the lack of sleep. The students hurriedly packed up their bags and left the classroom.

"I think the prof's in a good mood today"

Donghyck chirped. A new mark was apparent on his neck and he made no effort to even hide it. Renjun didn't mention it either.

"You think?"

The two boy's chuckles filled the hallway as they both laughed their own jokes.

"how's the packing going?"

"Great! I don't have a lot of stuffs so I might even be able to move out tomorrow"

Renjun replied with an excited glint in his eyes. Moving into a dorm, getting a roommate. They were all so new and exciting for him. He couldn't wait to befriend Jaemin.

The two boys parted ways as Donghyuck had another class and Renjun headed out to meet Jaemin.
He arrived at the gates. There was no sight of the other boy eventhough he was right on time. Renjun leaned against the metal gates and waited for the other boy.

Five minutes went by.

Fifteen minutes went by.

Thirty minutes went by.

Renjun frowned. They agreed to meet half an hour ago at the school gates. Did Jaemin forget? Nonetheless, he decided to go and search for him. Renjun strolled into the big theater hall to see students rehearsing for the year end play. He clenched his hand onto the straps of his backpack and glanced around, hoping to see a certain pink head.


The boy shifted his attention towards the senior in front of him.

"Oh! Hello, Doyoung"

The older male marched up a few steps to stand completely in front of Renjun.

"It's been so long! What are you doing here?"

Doyoung greeted him with a wide grin. Renjun and him used to be neighbors until Doyoung's family had to move away. But fortunately, they ended up at the same university.

"I'm here for Na Jaemin. We were supposed to meet somewhere but he's kinda late"

Doyoung's face fell for a few seconds before replying.

"Oh, he got into an accident and couldn't come in today"


Renjun escaped the stench of medicine and sickness as he passed through the automatic glass doors. A sigh was released as he strolled down towards the gate. Renjun had come to check up on Jaemin after getting the hospital information from Doyoung.

However, Jaemin seemed rather distant. Not that they've known each other for long but his usual easy going  and flirty aura was gone and replaced with dullness and a hint of fear. Fear of what? Renjun blamed it on the boy's broken Left leg, arm and a few cuts on his face. No way, you would be happy after suffering such injuries.

Jaemin had also retracted his offer, saying something along the lines of 'not wanting a roommate anymore'. During his visit, Jaemin had not even once glanced his way but Renjun decided not to dwell on it and left.

The sun has almost set and the boy turned from the bustling street in front of the hospital into the narrow alley and onto a more quiet street. His house not too far away so, he decided to walk. Getting fresh air and also cooling his head. Where was he supposed to go now? There's no way he could go back to Lucas either. That would be shameless of him.

His mom was flying in next 3 days. Renjun's suitcases were sitting in the corner of the bed, ready to be moved. He released a big sigh and stuffed his hands into the front pocket of his hoodie. He noticed that the sun had gone down completely and the sky was blanked in a complete darkness and small shimmering twinkles of stars.

Renjun's attention shifted from the starry night sky to the fluttering of the street light in front of him. After a few flutters, the light went out. The darkness erupted the broad and empty street. Only a few faint light were illuminated by the light from the houses. He started on his feet, eager to get home.

Renjun started lightly jogging as he could hear light footsteps from behind him. He didn't look back. He tried not to look back as he marched on his feet. The street seemed endless with numerous turns. The footsteps were getting nearer to him. His heart began to rapidly thump against his chest.

As Renjun was about to turn into another path, he was met with a broad chest. His anxiety quickly dissolving as he saw a familiar face.


He shouted a little too loud and glance behind his back to see the hooded figure. The sudden strong wind swept the hood off, exposing half of the stranger's strong features and a peek of his hair for a millisecond. It was green. He looked familiar, but Renjun just couldn't remember. Before Renjun could get a better look, the stranger had put the hood back on and ran off. It was too dark anyway.

The boy finally looked up at the person in front of him. Lucas was staring daggers at the stranger's back.

"Are you okay?"

He finally looked down at Renjun. A frown prominent on his forehead. He looked like he just got back from a schedule. Renjun just nodded before the taller grabbed his hand and pulled him towards his car. He could feel his cheeks getting warm.

"I'll give you a ride home"

Lucas' voice was rough, probably with anger but Renjun couldn't help but look down at their entwined hands and feel giddy inside. A small smile was apparent on his lips as he let Lucas drag him. He couldn't care about the possible kidnapper just now that followed him. He couldn't even care about how Lucas was there in the first place.

All he could cared about was Lucas' large, warm hand gently yet firmly enclosing his smaller hand. As if they were made for each other.


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