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The cold winter breeze seeped through the crack of the window and Lucas shuddered as he stirred in his sleep. Cracking one eye open, he was met with the still sleeping boy. Lucas smiled in satisfaction. Imagine waking up to such perfection every morning. Right, you can't relate.

Lucas reached for his phone and checked the time. It was 6:30, which was pretty early so he decided to laze around in bed. He checked his instagram. The picture he posted last night of the concert reaching 60k likes.

A wild thought appeared in his head. He took a glance at Renjun. Lucas turned his body towards the boy and took a photo of him. The boy's face wasn't full on display since the blanket covered half of his face. Lucas then stared at the photo with a wide grin, until it started to look less like the sleeping boy. He shook his head and decided to get out of bed.

He slowly slid his large frame out of the bed and trudged downstairs to make some coffee. While the coffee machine worked his thing, Lucas leaned against the counter and thought of a great caption that would go well with the sleeping boy.

He grinned as an idea popped up into his head. He was quick to type and upload it on instagram. Placing the phone on the counter after as the coffee machine made a noise. He transferred the coffee into a mug and sipped on the hot liquid that soothed his sore throat.

Lucas noticed the faint snow, it was the first snow. While Lucas leaned against the counter and sipped on his coffee, small patter of footsteps made their way down the stairs. The taller heard it and smiled into his mug.

Finally, a head peeked into the kitchen and gasped when he met eyes with Lucas.

"You're awake. Want some coffee?"

Lucas asked with a soft smile on his face in order to not scare or intimidate him. Renjun finally slowly made his way into the kitchen, hands clasped together.

"That's fine. I don't drink coffee. Thanks for the offer and letting me stay the night. I should probably get going"

Lucas placed the cup a bit too hard on the table, making the liquid spill and startling Renjun. The taller offered the boy a bigger smile.

"I have hot chocolate"

Lucas' voice left no room for argument. Renjun could sense the change in atmosphere, it was tenser than before.

".......sure, thanks"

Lucas smiled again and turned his back to Renjun towards the counter, to make him his drink.

"So, what's your name?"

The taller asked as he reached for the cocoa powder in the cabinet. Renjun fidgeted in his seat but replied nonetheless.

"It's Huang Renjun,"

Lucas didn't replied but hummed loud enough for Renjun to hear. After that, they became silent again and the tension was thick enough to be cut in half. The only sound present was the sound of Lucas stirring the hot chocolate.

Renjun observed the kitchen. It was as modest as other parts of the house. While he was admiring the art work hung on the opposite wall, Lucas placed the cup in front him. Making a 'clink' sound and startling the boy for the hundredth time. The sound of the chair scraping the floor made him cringe. Lucas sat down opposite from him and placed his chin in his palms, smiling up at Renjun.

"Drink up,"

The boy moved his hand hesitantly towards the handle. Staring into the brown liquid, Renjun shifted his eyes towards Lucas' kind-looking ones and then back to the cup in his hands.

"so, Renjun, do you go to school?"

Lucas spoke up, breaking the tension between them. Renjun looked up from his cup and gave him a polite smile, rubbing circles on the warm, white porcelain cup with his finger.

"Yes, I do. I'm actually on a winter break but sadly, it's ending next week"

Lucas really seemed interested as he listened to him intently.

"Oh, our band is on a break too, till next month"

The taller replied enthusiastically, resembling an excited dog. Renjun thought he looked cute. They continued to talk and Renjun took a sip or two of the chocolate and it was chocolate. He was just being over dramatic, ignoring the nagging feeling in his stomach.

"It was fun talking with you but I gotta go now, Lucas"

"oh, alright. Do you need a ride?"

"No, no. It's alright-"

Renjun felt lightheaded as he stood up from his seat. He stammered on his feet as he grabbed the chair. His heart started beating faster and his eyesight began to blurr.

The last thing he saw was Lucas just sitting there, making no move to help him before the darkness took over as he collapsed.


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