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"Turkey sandwich!!!"

Renjun's eyes flew open as he sat up with a jolt. Sweat was dripping from his forehead from the heat of the duvet and his hoodie. He tried to steady his breathing and clutched his thumping heart. He had been listening to too many serial killer podcasts.

"You okay?"

Renjun snapped his head to the voice and his breath hitch. His dream kidnapper, in all of his glory, standing at the entrance. Lucas was looking at him with concern. There were no craziness or scariness in his eyes. They were just normal. Renjun looked around the room and proceeded to get out of the bed.

"Where am I?"

He asked and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the sleeve of his sweater. Lucas fully entered his room and stood in front of Renjun, who shifted a little.

"You fell asleep in my room after the party. This is my house. Are you okay?"

A frown was prominent on Lucas' forehead as he looked down at the fidgeting boy in front of him. The tiny voice inside his head was telling him to wrap his arms around the boy and comfort him but he decided against it.

"I'm fine. It was just a.....bad dream"

Renjun replied with a reassuring smile, tugging at Lucas' heartstrings.

"Do you want to take a shower or something?"

The shorter boy's gaze landed on the clock, it was 9:30.

'Oh no, mom!'

"Thank you Lucas, but I have to go"

Renjun rushed to the door and ran pass Lucas.

"Oh, you know my name"

Lucas said with a huge grin while following the boy, down the stairs.

"Of course, I do"

Before Renjun could get a hold of the front door handle, the taller grabbed him by his wrist.

"Then, what's your name?"

The shorter boy's gaze landed on the much bigger hand wrapped around his wrist and then to his eyes, which were a little too endearing. Lucas seemed like a trustworthy person and doesn't seem like a kidnapper at all. Renjun couldn't help but let the corners of his lips tug upwards.

"Renjun. Huang Renjun"

Lucas' eyes landed on Renjun's lips and lingered longer than necessary. The rhythm of Lucas' heartbeat began to fasten and his ears began to turn red. He quickly averted his eyes to the top of Renjun's head, in order to not embarrassing himself further.

"A-Alright, Renjun. Would you like a ride home?"

Lucas mentally scolded himself for stuttering. What the hell, Yukhei. So not cool.

"It's okay, I'll just take-"

Renjun's eyes landed on the window across them. Outside, it was snowing.....heavily.

" -I would appreciate it"

"Great, let me grab my jacket"

Lucas let go of Renjun's wrist and went to retrieve his coat. The shorter boy unconsciously rubbed the wrist Lucas held and awkwardly stood there. Later, Lucas came back with a jacket and his car keys.

"Let's go"

The taller muttered and opened the door for Renjun. The entire car ride was silent, a comfortable silent, apart from Renjun softly telling the directions to his house. It had stopped snowing at the half of the car ride.

After many more silence and stolen glances, they finally arrived at Renjun's warm house. Both of them got off the car. The silent still took over them as they didn't know how to say goodbye. This is it? Are they not gonna meet again?

Suddenly, Renjun shivered from the cold winter breeze. The taller immediately noticed and muttered a small 'wait'. He opened the door of the back seat and took out a brown scarf. Renjun stared at him in curiosity. The taller closed the distant between them and wrapped the soft material around Renjun's neck. Lucas didn't pull back after and Renjun didn't mind.

"But my house is right th-"


Lucas tugged the scarf up so it covered the boy's mouth.

"I have to go now. I have to go to the studio"

Renjun just nodded. This oddly resembles a goodbye scene between two lovers. Except, they're not lovers and they've only just met.

"What about the scarf?"

Renjun questioned and Lucas grinned cockily. His big hand landed on top of Renjun's head and ruffled the soft brown locks. Renjun gave him a weird look when he retrieved the hand.

"I'll just get it back another time then. See ya"

Lucas winked and walked back to his car confidently, making Renjun rise his brows from both confusion and surprise. But Lucas mentally gave himself a pat on the back. That was cool.

Renjun stood in front of his house and watch the car until it was out of his vision. He softly caressed the scarf that had a faint smell of Lucas' perfume and slightly skipped towards his house. He entered the house to see his mom on the couch with a book in hand.

"Hey, mom"

"Nice to see you finally back! I guess you had fun"

Sarcasm was dripping from the mom's words and Renjun couldn't help but lightly roll his eyes.

"Who was that boy?"

His mom said, still not looking up from her book.

"It was just a friend"

She finally looked up. But only took a glance at her son and went back to her book.


Renjun made his way to the stair to get to his room but his mom just had to tease him about it, making a blush creep up his cheeks.

"Nice scarf!"



Told y'all, it's fluff, fluff and more fluff.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading.

Love you💕💚

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