chapter eight

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Thank you for being so brave to stand here today! We will never forget your sacrifice for Panem's safety.

𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰


MY HEART NEARLY  stops beating once the black horses start to pull our chariot. Thousand of Capitolians are watching us as we ride the chariot through the stadium. Even Ace and Gale could be watching in this very moment, seeing a complete different Ophelia on their screens.

The Capitol citizen scream for their favorite tributes but I'm so numb from the adrenaline going through my veins to do anything more than Holding on the chariot. The bright lights from the stadium distract me even more.

I could hear them screaming for District 4's darling, Percy Odair. Haymitch was right, he will get the most sponsors and will win the games for sure. The Capitolian's love the Odair's and would do everything in their power to protect Percy in the arena.

I was taken out of my thoughts about Percy and my paralyzed state when Peeta took my hand in his.

"What are you doing?"

"They will love it, just put on a show."

Peeta is right.

The Tribute Parade is an event for us to gain potential sponsors, which could save our lives in the arena. I should try winning the crowd over instead of frowning and thinking about my upcoming death.

I put on my nicest smile for the crowd once District 12 gets announced. Me and Peeta wave to the crowd while our cape sets on fire, just in the perfect time. The response from the crowd was immense, we got all the attention from the Capitolians, they completely forgot about Percy and his naked body.

Peeta raised my hand up in the air in the second our cape's start to catch fire. The crowd throws roses down on us, loving the show we're putting on for them. The adrenaline keeps me going, smiling and waving to the crowd.

The fire stops once our chariot, which is the last one, comes to a stop next to the one of District 11. The crowd keeps screaming in excitement but my eyes are focused on the high balcony above the chariots.

A few seconds later a man appears on the high balcony. I automatically recognize him, everyone does. Coriolanus Snow, our president.

He waves royally to the crowd. I've never seen him in person but he disgusts me even more in real life. How could someone so cruel live by every single day with the thought of having blood of innocents on his hands? 

Well, I'm going to be just as cruel in a few, killing off innocent tributes.

Our white haired President waits till the crowd goes quiet before holding his speech, his voice sends shivers down my spine. "Welcome, tributes we welcome you."

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒 ━ CATO HADLEY₁Where stories live. Discover now