chapter nineteen

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19 ; SPEAR

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19 ; SPEAR

Can't wait to see those damn faces
on the night sky while the memorial music is playing.

─ 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐎𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫


"Do you really think it's working? She blacked out two days ago, sugar cube."

"She would be dead by now if it's not working, so I'm positive."

My eyes flatter open at the familiar voices but close again once I get blinded by the day light. I slowly adjust to it just seconds later, facing Percy and Rue leaning over my body. I'm laying on the ground, somewhere in the arena.

I quickly shift up into a sit position but Percy holds around me. "Easy, twelve."

My whole body feels like it would shut down any minute soon. "Where's Cato?" I finally spoke up, not even recognizing my own voice.

Rue raises her eyebrows at question before her gaze goes to Percy. That's when I realize Percy's wounded left eye is completely healed but his dark blue shirt is bloody, his face is dirty and his long locks are tied into a small ponytail.

"I'm alive, thanks for asking." Percy mocks in a high pitched voice and Rue laughs amused about Percy's beheaviour. They seem to get on perfectly together and I thought Percy will slaughter her once I left them, hell was I wrong about him.

"You hallucinated when I found you. You obviously saw me less attractive in your physic state so you thought I was Hadley."

I rolled my eyes at Percy's sassy comments. "Oh and you wanted me to meet your brother."

My eyes went wide at the mention of Ace. My memories slowly come back while listening to Percy. I sigh before speaking up. "How long have I been gone for?"

"Two days. I got a handful of sponsors which helped when you passed out after some Tracker jackers kicked your ass."

I lay down on my back again. Percy really was the Capitol favorite like Haymitch assumed, I suppose he got some medicine for his eye as well.

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