Under The Mistletoe [Part 2]

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My closeness with Mina and the rest of Twice was surprisingly amazing. They kept inviting me over their dorm if they have day offs. I also met her brother, Kai Myoui who is a football player in Japan. Me and Kai became close too since I'm sort of a fan of football myself. Whenever he's around, we would talk about football all the time.

But that was 3 years ago.

During that one Christmas night, Mina asked me to meet her on the same spot where we first met cause she told me she had something important to tell me. So was I. I was about to tell her how I feel for her when she suddenly broke the news that she was back with Bambam. I felt my world fall apart the moment I heard that. I didn't know what gotten into me and I just suddenly poured out my feelings for her that night. I couldn't bear seeing her reaction about my confession so I left right away after I confessed everything. After that, I moved to America and stayed there for the next 3 years. And now? Well I'm back in Korea once again.

I checked my clock. 08:30pm of December 24, 2018.

I'm out with some of my friends in our favorite Korean Barbecue place. I called them to hangout and catch up since we were apart for 3 years and had no proper communication. It feels good actually.

The doors of the restaurant suddenly opened and a group of people walked in wearing mask. Not new for me since almost everyone here in Korea wears masks. Idols or not.

"So Y/N, are you staying here for good now?" My friend, Gyuri asked out of nowhere and everyone else eyed me as they wait for my answer and suddenly they all cheered when I nodded. I noticed a familiar girl looking at my direction. I can't seem to tell who she is since she is wearing a black mask and glasses.

"My contract with the company there is already over so I see no reason for me to stay there anymore." I said as we were happily eating Korean Barbecue which I missed the most.

The group of people, girls actually, took the vacant place near us. They all somehow looked familiar but I chose to shrug it off and continued talking and laughing with Gyuri and the rest.

We were talking about some random things when Jae spoke up.

"Oh by the way guys, Twice is having a Christmas show tonight at 09:30PM. How about we go watch? It's a free event anyways."

"It will be crowded since it's THE Twice you're talking about. You know how much I don't like too crowded places, Jae." I said.

"Awww~ c'mon Y/N~ it's just for tonight. And besides we can probably get a special treatment since you're close with the members of TWICE, especially to my baby Mina, right?" EEEEHHH?! Is this idiot serious or what?

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