Surprise [Tzuyu Day special]

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Tzuyu is sad that I couldn't be there to celebrate her birthday with her since I'm in Taiwan, promoting my album.

She wanted to come home for her birthday but sadly she's in Bangkok with her members for their next stop of their Twicelights 2019 World Tour. She sent me a photo of her boarding their plane.

I texted her.

To: TzuYODA ❤️👂🏻

Hey, love. Look, I know you're sad right now. I know how bad you wanna be home for your birthday to be spent with your family, that includes Gucci of course and me. But please stay happy, okay? ONCEs will be sad if they see you sad too. I'll be home in a week. I will make up the lost time I had with you once I get back to Seoul. Happy birthday, my love and my Yoda. ❤️ I love you soooooo muuuuuch! ❤️

She only left me on seen. Bad Yoda. -_- But what she doesn't know is that I'm actually on the plane bound to Bangkok right now. I'm planning to surprise her. Her members of course already knew about it and they actually agreed to help me with the surprise. And not just them but from other special people too. And by special people, I mean her family.

I texted Jihyo.


Hey, bboo bboo! I'm on board now. The plane is about to take off. I'll call Pinky Oppa or Manager unnie once I've arrived. Tell them to come pick me up at the airport. Thank you, Hyomas!! 😂🚄

After a while, she replied with an okay and told me the managers already know.


I have finally arrived in Bangkok with her family and we looked around for any sign of the managers.

"Y/N!! Over here!" I saw manager unnie waving at us so we walked towards them.

"Annyeong, manager unnie. Is it just you?"

"Nope. Pinky is waiting inside the car. Let's go. Jihyo just texted me that they're taking a break right now. You can do the surprise the moment we arrive."

"Thank you, unnie. I owe you guys a lot. Big time." She only chuckled and pat my head.

So we started to make our way to the van and head off to the concert venue.


This is probably the most boring birthday I ever had. *sigh* My girlfriend, Y/N won't be coming home till next week. In our 3 years of being a couple, this is the first time she missed a special occasion of my life. And worse, on my fcking birthday.

"Tzuyu-ah? Why are you so down?" Dahyunnie asked.

"I just wanna be home in Taiwan and spend this day with them. Mom, Dad, Gucci, and of course my Y/N. This is the first time Y/N missed a special occasion of my life and worse, on my freaking birthday! Do you know how frustrating that is?!" Dahyunnie flinched by my sudden yell. Causing me to realize my mistake. The other unnies turned to our direction.

"S-Sorry unnie. I-it's just that... I just miss them. I miss Y/N s—"

"Tzuyu-ah? There's someone looking for you. She claims to be a big fan of yours." Manager unnie said as she peeked into our waiting room.

"I don't wanna be rude, unnie but I'm not in the mood right now. Tell her to c—" my eyed widened as soon as my 'biggest fan' walked in. She walked in holding a bouquet of my favorite flowers while manager unnie is carrying the cake.

Everyone started singing.


It's Y/N!?

"Y-Y/N?! B-but y-you just texted me t-that you won't be home till n—"

"I know what I said, love. But did you really think I'm gonna miss any special of your life especially your birthday? Pabo Yoda." She playfully hit my forehead with a playful smile in her adorable face.

I couldn't hold much longer that I threw my self on to her and hugged her damn tight but not tight enough to kill her.

"I missed you Y/N..." I felt her hugging back as she whispered.

"I missed you too, Tzuyu. Happy happy birthday, my love.",

I pulled away and wiped my tears away as she hand me the bouquet which I gladly took.

"Were you surprised?" She asked and I nod.

"I hope you're ready for the part 2." She looked at me with a smile before turning to Pinky oppa with a nod.

I looked at the door and saw my parents. My mom and dad are actually here!! I ran to them and hugged them tight, crying again due to happiness.

We talked while Y/N went out for a while.

I heard a cute bark and I turned to the door again, seeing Gucci in Y/N's arms.

"Of course, the most special surprise for our birthday girl." Y/N said with a smile.

"GUCCI!!! COME TO MOMMY, MY BABY!!" I called Gucci's attention and she suddenly ran to me as soon as Y/N put her down.

"I know you wanna see Gucci so bad so we brought her with us." I immediately stood up, carrying Gucci in my left and I suddenly went to Y/N and pulled her in for a kiss. She was shocked at first but then kissed me back.

"Thank you so much, love. Thank you for these surprises. Best birthday ever." I whispered as soon as we part our lips.

"Anything for you my Yoda." She flashed her legendary smiles that just made me fall for her all over again.

"Girls, get ready. You're back on stage in 5 minutes!" The organizer peeked and we nodded.

"So I'm guessing I will see you after the concert?" I sighed. Y/N just smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Yep. Go get them, ti— ah wait that's Chaeyoungie. Go get them Yoda." She smiled at me and gently took Gucci from me and carry her. I pecked her lips again before going back to my parents.

"I'll see you after the concert, mom, dad."they both nodded and hugged me.

"Goodluck, love. Have fun on stage." Y/N reminded me and I happily nodded.

I got on stage with my members, feeling more energized than I was before.

Glad Y/N's here. ❤️




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