Priority [Mina]

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I'm currently on tour with my members in Bangkok when I got a sudden video call from Jihyo since they're in Japan for their 1st live performance of Breakthrough and Happy Happy.

"Hey, Ji. What's up?" I looked at the camera and noticed that everyone is present except MiSaMo.

[Hey, Y/N. Are you uhm... Busy?]

"Not really. We just finished practicing for the concert tomorrow. And... Are you okay? You sound so down and sad. Where's Mina? Don't tell me she's playing video games again."

[No, no. That's why we actually called. Mina is uhm... Sick. We're at the hospital right now.]

"What?! Where's the hospital? W-what happened? H-how come?" I started panicking.

[Y/N unnie calm down. She's currently sleeping. We're outside her room. Sana unnie and Momo unnie is inside, watching over her. She wasn't feeling well ever since we came back from our last stop of Twicelights. She won't be performing with us tomorrow. It's just gonna be the 8 of us. She asked us not to tell you about her situation but it seemed unfair.] Dahyun said.

"I'm on my way. Don't tell her I'm coming." And with that, I hung up and went to our manager.


Luckily, our manager allowed me to leave for Japan and also with JYP PD-nim's approval and they booked me the nearest flight to Japan which is in 3 hours. I feel sorry for my members but they assured me that it's fine and my girlfriend comes first. I'm lucky to have such members.

I asked one of our managers to drive me to the airport right away. Good thing Bangkok isn't too crowded. I thanked him and wore my mask and cap to avoid people from recognising me. I immediately head to where my plane is and waited. I texted Jihyo that I'm already at the Bangkok airport and will be in Japan before they even know it.

I'll be in Japan in 6 hours. I got on to the plane and sat down at my seat. I can't stop fidgeting with my fingers due to the worrying.

The plane took off and I decided to nap a bit.


I opened my eyes and we've just landed. I grabbed my bag and head out the plane. I immediately called Pinky oppa and asked him which hospital is Mina. As soon as he told me, I hailed a cab and told him the hospital name and asked him to drive there quickly.

The ride to the hospital only took 15 minutes than the usual 20 minutes. I paid the driver and told him to keep the change and I just rushed inside. I head straight to the information desk.

"Where's the room of Ms. Mina Myoui?" I asked the desk lady.

"Oh my God. Y-you're..."

"Yes, I'm Y/N of ITZY so now please tell me where is Ms. Myoui's room located." (A/N: SURPRISE!! YOU'RE AN ITZY MEMBER BRUH!)

"Oh right. She's in room 037. It's just down the hall."

"Thank you." I head to the direction she told me and once I found it, I immediately entered, startling the girls. Luckily Mina is still sleeping.

"Holy mother of— geezus Y/N, you almost scared the shit out of us." Nayeon sighed.

"Sorry, unnie. H-how is she?" I walked over and dropped my bag at the stool beside her bed and looked at Mina's sleeping figure.

"You worry too much. She's just caught reflux and also flu. Caused by the weather." Jihyo caressed my back. I sighed loudly in relief.

"Aish this girl." I mumbled.

"Girls we need to head back to the hotel. You have early schedule tomorrow." Manager unnie said and the girls turned to me. I nodded.

"Go on. Get some rest. I'll stay here with her."

"Call us if you need anything, okay?" I nodded and the members each gave me a hug which I happily returned.

As soon as they're out of the room, I placed my bag on the couch and sat on the stool beside her and gently took her hand.

"Hey, jagiya. I'm here." I whispered as I kiss her hand gently. She groaned a bit and started to wake up.

Her eyes adjusted to the place and as soon as she saw me, her eyes widened.

"Y-Y/N? W-what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I'm here to take care of you, you idiot." I chuckled. I don't wanna look sad in front of her.

"But babe what about your concert in Bangkok? Isn't it tomorrow?" I nodded.

"I got permission not to join the Bangkok show. I asked our managers and of course PD-nim and they allowed me."


"Why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well at all?"

"I don't wanna distract you from your practices." She looked down. Feeling guilty. I smiled a bit and made her look at me.

"Hey. Don't feel guilty okay? It's my choice to come here and take care of you. Yes, the tour is important but you're more important to me, Mina. You're my top priority. Not just my career as an idol. You will always come first." I kissed her forehead, assuring her that it's fine.

I sat beside her and hugged her in which she returned back. She hid her face at the crook of my neck, taking in the scent of my perfume.

"What did I ever do to deserve someone like you, Y/N?" She whispered.

"Not my fault you have such a beautiful, stunning, gorgeous and awesome girlfriend, Miss Myoui." I cockingly said making her laugh a bit.

"Geez. Always so full of yourself." She looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Oh you love me anyways." I smirked making her smile.

"Yes, I do. So much. Thank you for coming here." She flashed her legendary gummy smile.

"I love you too, jagiya. So much more than anything else." I pecked her lips.

During the next days, I never left her side. The members would only come in to switch places with me for a few hours so I can catch some sleep and then leave again. I stayed by her side until she is completely fine. I usually hate staying at hospitals to be honest since I always find it boring but it's true what they say, when you're taking care of someone very important, it was never boring.


There ya goooo~ Mina please get well soon, jagiya 💔


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