All I Ever Need [Nayeon]

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[Scars' continuation since a lot of you is requesting for a part 2 so here ya goooo~]

I placed the sharp edge of the shard onto my skin and started to slide it across my wrist. Once I was done with the first run, I did it again on to same spot and repeated it countless of times until I can see lots of blood dripping from my wrist. I smiled at the sight but at the same time starting to feel weak. I still managed to do bit more cuts until I was starting to completely lose consciousness. The last thing I heard before I completely passed out was the sound of my room door being kicked down and a voice fading away.

Goodbye forever, Nayeon.


I groaned as I opened my eyes. Taking in a the familiar scent around me. White ceiling, beeping sounds from different life machines. I allowed myself to take in the situation. I'm at the hospital. Again.

"Y-Y/N?" My eyes widened as I heard a familiar voice. I turned my head to the source of the voice and saw her.

"N-Nayeon..." I whispered. My throat feels dry.

"Oh my God, Y/N! Thank God you're finally awake! You've been unconscious for almost 3 weeks!" She hugged me. I wanna hug her back but then I remembered that day. The pain is coming back.

"What are you doing here?" I plainly asked. She looked at me with shock and I only looked back with dead eyes. I feel lifeless again. She's inlove with someone else.

"I-I found you unconscious on your room. W-when you t-texted me... J-Jihyo immediately t-tracked down your p-phone and we h-hurriedly went t-to your h-house. Y-you were l-losing a lot of b-blood a-and you almost d-died. You were i-in coma for a-almost 3 weeks. I was getting scared t-that you might never w-wake up a-again." She was trying to hold back her tears, I don't know if it was because she was scared I almost died or scared of the Y/N she's currently talking to. Damn I wanna pull her into a tight hug.

"Go home." I said without looking at her. She wanna say something but she stopped herself before she can even say it.

"O-okay. I'll be back tomorrow with the girls." She said, sadness being clearly sensed in her voice.


It's been a few days ever since I got out of the hospital. I went back to school. I went back to my old self. The old Y/N who everyone is scared to even approach or try to talk to. Even those guys who used to bully me got scared to even try and pick on me. Especially that Jungkook.

Every time a student tries to talk to me, they immediately get scared the moment I look at them. It's like I'm walking with no soul. I'm technically a walking dead. I always walk in and out of the school, avoiding Nayeon and the rest. I feel sorry for avoiding them too. They became my friends too, y'know. They helped me to be the positive Y/N.

Nayeon on the other hand would still try and talk to me. It's either I blow her off or just ignore her until she gives up starting a conversation with me.

"Y/N!!" I turned to the person calling me.

Ugh. What does she want now.

(Your forgiveness obviously you stupid idiot 🙄)


(What? You wanna fight? I can send you flying to Pluto. -_-)

Pluto doesn't even exist anymore 🙄

(Whatever get back to your POV! *kicks your ass*)

Aish. -_- anyways, back to the story!

"What the fuck do you want now?" I rolled my eyes at her.

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