Red String [Mina] Part 1

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"WHAT?!" I yelled as soon as I heard my father's statement.

"You heard me right, Y/N." My father kept a straight face. He was already expecting this kind of reaction from me

"But why me?! And why with her?! I mean come on... the girl hates me! Big time! For a damn reason that she won't tell me!" I kept yelling. My sister was trying to calm me down but I know myself that I just can't calm the fck down. Why? It's because I'm being forced to marry Mina. The only daughter of Akira Myoui, leader of the second largest mafia group in the country. In other words we're trapped in an arranged marriage.

My father, the leader of our or should I say HIS gang, the largest mafia group, offered a peace treaty with the leader of the second largest MG which happens to be lead by the Myoui's. The opposing side will only agree to the peace treaty on one condition and that's where I come in. Her father wants me to marry Mina, his only daughter and heiress to the throne of the Myoui group.

I don't wanna get involved in this cause FIRST... I don't wanna have anything to do with this whole Mafia shit. And SECONDLY... MINA HATES ME for some reason but I don't actually give a fuck about it! Like BIG TIME!! Hello!! I mean... who the fuck would wanna marry their worst enemy? Cause I for sure don't and surely she doesn't want that too. 🙄🙄

My father explained everything and such. I didn't even bother to let him finish with 100 years long speech.

(A/N: plain is Y/N, bold is Y/N's father)

"Will she change her last name into mine?"

"Obviously, yes she will."

"Is she gonna stay here?"


"Are we gonna share the same room? Same bed?"


"Oh my god. My life is vanishing right before my very eyes." I sighed. "Fine. I will agree. But don't expect me I'll be treating her like we're a real married couple." I said and grabbed my bag heading out the house, not even bothering to let my dad respond and just got on my bike and drove off to school. What a nice way of starting my morning. Please take damn note of the complete sarcasm on that! 😑😑


As soon as I arrived at school, my friends Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu started to run towards me.

"Y/N!! Is it true?!" -Dahyun

"Eh? What is?" I asked, completely confused.

"Is it true that you and Mina are married?!" -Chaeng


"First off, everyone at the campus knows it already and Mina unnie started using your last name instead of her own and if you want proof check her Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts, she changed Myoui to Y/LN, secondly, your twin started tweeting about it like an hour ago with hashtags related to you and your 'wife' and technically Mina's father also is the principal of this school." -Tzuyu

"Of course he i— wait... My sister tweeted about it?!" I asked/yelled.

The maknaes nodded and showed me the proofs. Aish that damn stupid little—!!! She is so dead when I get home!

I sighed defeated and just said it's all true. Our families are known for our Mafia groups. That's why some people are actually afraid of what I might do since I'm one of the daughters and heiresses of the largest Mafia group. But inspite of that fact, I still made a lot of friends. All are gays. -_- I also had some guy friends which calls themselves as BTS which is lead by Namjoon. But most of the students are afraid of me and of course also to Mina.

And speak of the devil. Great morning. Reaaaaallyyyyy great!

Mina just arrived in her fancy (Fancyyyy~ youuuu~ 😂😂) car. Knowing Mina, she probably doesn't give a damn about it even if she hates me. She also doesn't want anything to do with her father's mafia group. Let alone lead it someday. So you can say if there's one thing we agree on, it's the fact that we don't want anything to do with these whole mafia shits around us.

She got out of her car elegantly as usual and just happened to pass by me and the maknaes. We made eye contact but no one even bothered to say anything. We don't wanna talk with each other anyway 😑😑


I'm now at the cafeteria with the my other friends, Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Jihyo. The news about me and Mina being a couple spread out so fast like a wild fire. And I had no choice but to admit it already. As much as I would love to deny it. 😑

"I wonder what your ship name will be with Mina." Jeongyeon started teasing which earned a death glare from me.

"Ship name my ass. I only agreed to it for the sake of the peace between two groups that my father wants." I sighed.

"Oh. Speaking of. There's your wife, Y/N." Nayeon said and everyone including the maknaes started to tease me. All I could do was just glare at all of them and they decided to shut their mouths.

God if this is a nightmare, just wake me up already.


Momo, Sana and I started heading to the cafeteria for lunch. The moment we got in there, my eyes directly landed on Y/N's table. Our eyes met and I immediately looked away. And when I took a glance at her, she was already glaring at her friends and released a deep sigh right away.

"Oh. There's your wife, Minari~" Sana started teasing.

"Shut it or else I'll cut your tongue, Sana." I looked at Sana with no emotions.

She laughed a bit before patting my shoulder.

"You should really just tell her about it. Who knows? She might remember everything." -Momo which was agreed by Sana

"That still won't change the fact that I hate her so damn much."

"The fact that you hate her cause she forgot?" -Sana

Yes. Y/N and I go a long way back. We used to be so... Close. Things happened and this is us now. I hate her and that fucking idiot doesn't have any damn idea about why. I shouldn't mind it but it frustrates me to the core. I was supposed to be happy that I get to be put on an arranged marriage with her but my hatred got the best of me and took over me that I really hated it. I still had no choice. I just had to agree to this situation because I want my father to be happy. *Sigh*

~to be continued~

Hellooooo~ I know I promised that I will post the updates last last week but my Wattpad broke down, my laptop broke down too and so did my internet connection (I stupidly forgot to pay the internet bill, that's why) Fuck my life, right? 🙄🙄😂 So I sincerely apologize to those who waited for... 2 weeks already I guess? But yeah. I'm so sorry T_T


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